/ / Medication "Pegasys". Instructions. Description

Medication "Pegasys". Instructions. Description

Medication "Pegasys" is an immunomodulating drug with antiviral activity. The active substance is peginterferon alfa-2a.

The medication "Pegasys"chronic hepatitis C in adults with positive RNA virus with compensated cirrhosis or without cirrhosis, including co-infection with HIV (clinically stable). In this case, the drug can be used alone or in a complex.

In combination with the drug "Ribavirin" the drug"Pegasys" instruction recommends the appointment of patients who have not received previous treatment, or in the absence of effectiveness from previous monotherapy with unpigilated or pegylated interferon alfa.

The medication is prescribed for adults with chronicHepatitis B (HBeAg positive and negative) with compensated hepatic damage and symptoms of viral replication, histologically confirmed fibrosis (or inflammation in the liver) and elevated ALT.

The use of the Pegasys medication is recommended for use under the supervision of a doctor who has experience in the management of chronic hepatitis C and B.

With complex therapy, the "Ribavirin" medication is applied in accordance with the annotation to it.

The medicine "Pegasys" instruction allows to enter only in the region of the thigh or the anterior wall of the peritoneum once a week. Injections are administered subcutaneously.

Before the introduction it is necessary to examine the drug. The solution should not contain foreign impurities. The drug should not change color. The doctor should instruct the patient about the proper storage of the medication. The used materials must be disposed of. Do not re-use needles and syringes.

With HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive hepatitis In the chronic course, the drug "Pegasys 180" is prescribed every seven days. The duration of monotherapy is forty-eight weeks, taking into account the genotype.

With chronic hepatitis C forpatients who have not received previous treatment, the drug is also used once a week. The recommended dose is 180 mcg in monotherapy or in combination with Ribavirin.

The drug is contraindicated in autoimmunehepatitis, decompensated cirrhosis, severe liver failure, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, decompensated stage of diabetes mellitus. The medicine "Pegasys" is not prescribed for severe cardiovascular pathologies in the stage of decompensation, including under poorly controlled, unstable flow during the previous six months. Contraindicated drug for children under three years, with hypersensitivity to alpha interferons, as well as the products of vital activity of E. coli, polyethylene glycol or any other ingredients of the drug.

When using complex therapy with "Ribavirin" medication, contraindications to it should be taken into account.

With hepatitis C, the use of Pegasys during pregnancy is not allowed. If necessary, use the drug for lactating women, the question of stopping lactation should be resolved.

With caution appoint for cardiovascular and autoimmune pathologies, depression (in history including), psoriasis.

As a rule, the remedy "Pegasys" is transferred well. However, in some cases, individual adverse reactions are possible. Usually, after lowering the dose to 135 μg, undesirable effects are eliminated.

About medicine "Pegasys" reviews specialists in generalpositive. Many doctors point out the effectiveness of the drug and the stability of the result achieved. In addition, the medication is well tolerated by patients. Very rarely on the background of treatment, there were side manifestations, which are mainly associated with hypersensitivity.

Treatment with Pegasys should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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