/ / Snoring in women is a delicate problem

Snoring in women is a delicate problem

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A huge number of women have problems withsnoring, but are embarrassed to admit it. Representatives of the fair half more than men think snoring is something indecent. Perhaps women will experience less about this if they learn how widespread this sound phenomenon is. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, snoring in women of varying severity is found in almost every fourth case. Approximately 24 percent of middle-aged women suffer from snoring.

Basically, the causes of snoring in women are determinedmany factors. Let's consider some of them. Snoring in women occurs when the excessively relaxed soft tissues of the larynx are beaten against each other during the passage of air through the narrowed respiratory passage. Consequently, the development of this process can be facilitated by conditions that narrow the airways:

  • increased tonsils and adenoids leads to problems with breathing, sleep disturbance and snoring;
  • congenital narrowness of pharynx or nasal passages;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity - this excessive overgrowth of the nasal mucosa, leading to difficulty breathing and the appearance of snoring;
  • curvature and displacement of the nasal septumis an anatomical pathology of the septum of the nose, which creates resistance to the passage of a jet of air and causes snoring. Sometimes the displacement of the nasal septum may appear as a result of a trauma to the nose;
  • Malignant formation of the nasopharynx or nose.

Reducing the tone of the muscles of the pharynx and the appearance of such an ailment as snoring in women is facilitated by:

  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • lack of sleep;
  • taking sleeping pills;
  • menopause in women;
  • body fatigue;
  • obesity;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • aging.

Snoring during sleep, as a rule,is observed in many people and is not a sign of serious abnormalities. In such cases, no additional diagnosis or special treatment is required. However, a constant loud female snoring can cause inconvenience to both the woman and others. In some cases, it is a harbinger of obstructive sleep apnea. It should not be considered that snoring is just an unpleasant phenomenon, in fact it is a disease. Such a disease as snoring in women is characterized by short-term attacks of stopping breathing in a dream, which can lead to lack of sleep, headaches, drowsiness during the day, memory impairment, heart rhythm disturbance.

Different reasons for snoring cause certain methods of his treatment:

  • Capa from snoring is a special device made of plastic, which keeps the tongue and lower jaw and relieve snoring.
  • A patch from snoring is used by patients with defects of the nasal septum. The plaster spreads the wings of the nose and helps improve nasal breathing.
  • Tablets, drops, sprays from snoring help situationally. Pharmacological drugs are not recommended to be used consistently because of the development of side effects.
  • Electro-shock handcuffs from snoring catchsound phenomenon and give an electrical impulse to the hand that makes a person wake up. This mechanism helps only if the person snores in the supine position on the back. In this case, a person wakes up from an electric charge and turns over on his side.
  • Surgery for snoring is performed to remove anatomical pathologies of the nasopharynx.
  • Laser treatment of snoring reduces the size of the palate or palate due to a point burn, which reduces the vibration of the soft tissues of the larynx.
  • A set of special exercises from snoring, aimed at training the muscles of the tongue, palate and lower jaw.
  • Treatment of snoring with the help of traditional medicine.
  • The fight against snoring is a refusal from smoking and alcohol, getting rid of excess weight.

It is important to remember the importance of timelytreatment in specialized medical institutions as women suffering from snoring, and men. After all, it is here that you can get professional advice and choose individual treatment.

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