/ / Papules are pearly. Are they safe?

Papules are pearly. Are they safe?

Papular pearls (pearly) are localizedaround the head of the penis. About one third of men in the world face such a problem. Especially their presence can frighten young men who are just entering the active phase of sexual life. Then we will talk about what the data of education represent, and how dangerous they are for a person.

Mother-of-pearl pearles

What are mother-of-pearl pearls?

Pearl papules are called small formationsOn the skin, which are located near each other. They grow in one or two rows, forming a ring. In another way papules pearly are called papillomatous glands. They are considered a normal option for normal physiological development of men and for health are not dangerous. Data of education is not a pathology or an infectious disease. They do not itch, do not hurt, do not bleed, do not blush, do not increase in size and do not bother. It follows that the pearly papules are absolutely safe for health. Treatment, therefore, is not required.


As a rule, the presence of papules is observed insexually active men (age 19-42 years). In representatives of the Negroid race, education data appears more often. In addition, they are less common in men who have been circumcised. The true reasons for the appearance of pearlescent pearls are not fully understood. There are two main versions. According to one of them, the cause of the appearance of formations is a blockage of skin pores. According to another version, the presence of pearls of mother-of-pearl is associated with an elevated level of testosterone. It is known only that their appearance is not affected by the level of sexual activity and the cleanliness of men.

Pearly papules treatment

Differences from other types of eruptions

Papules pearl are safe and do not causedamage to health. But the penis may have other rashes (molluscum contagiosum, condylomas). They are a sign of pathology. Unlike pearly papules, the data of education are of unequal size and shape. Condylomas grow on a thin stalk. With molluscum contagiosum, the formations in the center have an umbilical depression and curdled contents inside. Diagnosing pearl papules is easy enough. For this, serious laboratory tests are not required. The diagnosis can be made on the basis of a simple examination or application of a dermatoscope. In rare cases, papules can become infected. Then a biopsy of the affected area of ​​the skin may be required.

Pearly papules how to get rid

Pearly papules - how to get rid?

As a rule, pearl formations do not requiretherapy, because they do not cause any concern. If they do cause discomfort, they are surgically removed as a cosmetic defect. For this, electrocoagulation, freezing or medical laser is used. Drugs for internal or external use, which help get rid of pearl papules, today does not exist. If the education data cause physical or emotional discomfort, you need to contact the dermatovenerologist or urologist. However, if they do not interfere with a person, then there is no reason to consult a doctor.

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