Mycoplasmosis in cats. Treatment, diagnostics
Mycoplasmosis - an infectious diseasecharacter, caused by nuclear-free, microorganisms devoid of cell walls-mycoplasmas. Favorite places of localization in cats are mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract and joints. The difference from bacteria and mycoplasma viruses is that because of their very small size, they are capable of being reproduced in a cell-free environment.
Mycoplasmosis in cats is the causeconjunctivitis, affects the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system, they can develop contagious pleuropneumonia, tendosinovitis and chronic fibro-purulent polyarthritis. Complications of this disease can be chronic abscesses and spontaneous abortions. Among cats, there is a very large percentage of carriers of this infection (up to 80), but this does not entail the general infection of other individuals. Mycoplasmosis in cats often manifests as severe secondary infections.
Cats are carriers of several speciesmycoplasma. The source of infection is a sick animal, but for a person mycoplasmas are not dangerous. Most often, mycoplasmosis in cats occurs against a background of reduced immunity, stressful situations, for example, if animals are often transported from place to place or if the animal has suffered a serious trauma.
During the course of the disease, a characteristicinfectious diseases fibrous exudate, because of which the process becomes chronic. The mechanism of immune defense, as a rule, is disrupted by the penetration of protein antigens of mycoplasma into the host's plasmalemma, and the host cell antigens into the mycoplasma plasmalemma.
In order to identify mycoplasmosis, diagnosisELISA is a reliable method (ELISA - enzyme immunoassay). This is an objective laboratory method of research, which has been successfully used for more than 40 years. Its basis is to determine the specific antigen-antibody reaction. As a result, antibodies of G class are determined to antigens of the Mycoplasma genus in the blood plasma of feline individuals.
The maximum success was achieved at the InstituteVeterinary Biology, which suggested another method of detecting an infection, such as mycoplasmosis. Diagnosis by PCR. This is a polymer chain reaction capable for a short period of time to amplify the necessary portion of the DNA microorganism millions of times. This method is more effective than the methods of culture and ELISA.
What should I do if mycoplasmosis is found in cats? Treatment is mostly done with antibiotics. The use of penicillin in mycoplasmosis results in no results. It is necessary to prescribe cats drugs that can increase the protective function of the body. The expediency of increasing immunity is explained by the fact that acute symptoms of this disease can be removed within a few days, and it is much more difficult to combat chronic forms of mycoplasmosis. Treatment may take several months.
Until now, the vaccine for this infectious disease does not exist. For the implementation of preventive measures, the following steps can be proposed:
- conduct an annual vaccination against other viral infections, which weaken the defenses of the animal's body;
- support the immune system of the animal;
- Feed the cat balanced diet;
- regularly visit a veterinarian.
These measures will help prevent mycoplasmosiscats, the treatment of which does not give 100% of the result. Completely to get rid of this infection practically it is not possible, but it is possible to stabilize an animal condition, having kept thus a reproductive function.