/ / DNA synthesis - it's easy!

DNA synthesis is easy!

Even at the lessons of biology, we learned that DNA -Universal carrier for genetic data in all living beings, excluding RNA viruses. DNA synthesis is a process that is necessary for the creation of new deoxyribonucleic acids.

Synthesis of this

The DNA molecule was first discovered in the middle of the 20thcentury two scientists, who were J. Watson and F. Creek, for which they, in fact, received the famous Nobel Prize. The molecule of DNA itself is a double thread, which is twisted into a spiral. The filaments consist of nucleotides, which are connected in series. One nucleotide includes one base (nitrogenous), of which there are only four: cytosine, thymine, adenine and guanine. It is these bases that bind to deoxyribose, and the phosphate group is attached to the bases themselves.

DNA synthesis is not such a complex process asmay seem at first glance. If you think about it, first you need to understand what is synthesis. It is the process of uniting something into one. The formation of a new DNA molecule takes place in several stages:

  1. DNA topoisomerase, located in front of the replication fork, cuts the DNA in order to facilitate its loosening and unwinding.
  2. DNA helicase after topoisomerase affects the process of "weaving" the DNA helix.
  3. Binding DNA proteins bind DNA strands, and also stabilize them, preventing them from sticking to each other.
  4. DNA polymerase synthesizes the host chain of the daughter DNA.
    Synthesis of DNA

These four stages terminate the synthesis that takes place on the maternal DNA molecule. After this, the synthesis of the lagging chain begins.

  1. After one strand of DNA will beis stabilized and unraveled, DNA polymerase "alpha" will be attached to it, which will synthesize the so-called primer. It is worth noting that at this stage, the synthesis of the RNA fragment occurs. That is, in the process of formation of a new DNA molecule, the body needs ribonucleotides. After synthesis, this enzyme will be removed from the DNA strand, which was previously attached. The next enzyme that will be attached to the filament is the epsilon DNA polymerase.
  2. The enzyme named above continues to lengthenseed, but uses for this deoxyribonucleotides, rather than ribonucleotides, like the alpha-enzyme of the same name. As a result, a whole chain is formed, which is made up of two parts: DNA and RNA. This enzyme is removed from the chain when the primer of the previous fragment is met.
    RNA synthesis
  3. DNA polymerase "beta" serves to remove ribonucleotides and replace them with deoxyribonucleotides.
  4. DNA ligase stitches both fragments of Okazaki. This concludes DNA synthesis. This is the final stage of it.

Why do we need DNA synthesis and why?Is this process so important? To understand this, it is enough only to think about why we need deoxyribonucleic acids. Their main function is the storage of genetic information, which will be subsequently transferred to the descendants. It is this function that determines the high importance of DNA. Due to the fact that it stores all information about genes, its study is given special importance. We hope that scientists will achieve great success in this field of science.

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