/ / A medicinal plant cultivated by man, helping with angina. Medicinal plants with angina

A medicinal plant cultivated by man, helping with angina. Medicinal plants with angina

A medicinal plant grown by a human being,helping with angina - this is what? After all, there are more than two dozen species used to treat pain in the throat. Most of them can successfully grow next to garden and garden crops. About the national means of fighting with angina will be discussed in the article.

Treatment for sore throat: teas, decoctions, infusions, compresses from plants

Herbs, leaves, berries are used in fresh anddried form for the preparation of phyto-tea and compresses. A medicinal plant grown by a man, helping with angina - echinacea is purple, or an American chamomile. Another popular form used for cooking tincture and broth is calendula. Chamomile pharmacy is often included in the composition of phytospores, its baskets have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Some medicinal plants with angina(acute tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils) are brewed and drunk as tea. These are dried fruits and leaves of raspberries, black currants, strawberries, and mint. The recipe for a therapeutic drink is very simple: to 1-2 tbsp. l. dried raw material, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes to make the healing tea better. Before use, drain the solution. Well, if you add to it natural honey, for example, lime.

medicinal plant cultivated by man helping with angina

After straining there is a vegetable raw material,still retained useful properties. Wrap the warm grass in a tissue napkin and attach it to the sore throat as a compress. When it cools down, you need to replace the damp cloth with a warm scarf. The sore throat will feel a significant relief if the moist compress is alternated with rinsing the broths and infusions.

Calendula is a medicinal plant grown by man, which helps with angina

Bright yellow or orange flower basketshave properties useful for treating the sore throat (anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial). Doctors recommend supplementing the complex treatment of tonsillitis with rinses of the throat with a solution of the ready-made tincture of calendula from the pharmacy or a decoction of flowers prepared independently. For medicinal purposes, it is better to dry them, so it is easier to measure the required amount of raw materials. In addition, calendula die in the cold season, when many people are sick of angina. Folk remedies and prescriptions help to cope with the disease.

medicinal plants with angina

How to apply calendula in inflammation of the tonsils?

1 way

Prepare a solution of half a glass of warmboiled water and 1 tsp. ready-made pharmacy tincture. Use this product to rinse your throat. Multiplicity and duration of use may suggest the doctor. Usually, medical specialists recommend performing a simple but useful procedure as often as possible - up to 6-7 times a day. The length of treatment depends on how quickly inflammation and pain will pass. Even if the symptoms disappear 3-4 days after regular rinses, you should continue the procedure for 2-3 more days.

2 way

Crush dried baskets of flowers and measurethis raw 0.5 st. l Place it in a heat-resistant dish, pour one glass of boiling water over it and cover with a lid. The infusion will be ready for use in half an hour. Strain the liquid, use for gargling in the same way as described above.

What other herbs in the country with angina will help?

Echinacea boosts natural defensesorganism, provides rapid recovery of health. Growing around the world healing and ornamental culture in gardens, flower beds and garden beds. Echinacea - a medicinal plant grown by a person that helps with angina, prefers fertile, moderately wet, sunny areas.

medicinal herbs in the country at sore throat

Prepare the tincture in the summerwell leafy shoots with a maximum number of flowers. Fill the glass jar half full with grass, add 70% alcohol to the hole, leave for extraction in a dark place for 2–2.5 weeks. During the period of an epidemic of ARVI, with a sore throat, cough, loss of strength, use the tincture inside before eating 30 drops. You can use echinacea for gargling with sore throat. Prepare a solution by pouring 40 drops of tincture into a glass of warm water.

The usual pharmacy chamomile is almost none.does not sow - the plant is widely distributed in parks, gardens, on the outskirts of fields and gardens. Collect baskets for medical purposes only in environmentally friendly places. Dry chamomile flowers and drink like tea for sore throat, cold. The plant can also be included in herbal teas for the treatment of tonsillitis. The most common components of medicinal herbal mixtures:

  • white birch leaves;
  • flowers of small-leaved linden;
  • sage herb;
  • leaves and buds of peppermint.

Used to get rid of symptoms.tonsillitis St. John's wort, but this plant requires careful application, strict adherence to recipes. However, the same remark applies to ingestion of other herbal preparations.

angina medicinal plants for angina

Herbal medicine for the treatment of angina

  • Crush and mix dried birch leaves,mother and stepmother, oregano, chamomile. The ratio of components is 1: 2: 2: 1. This mixture of 0.5 liters of water will need to take 2 tbsp. l About 10 minutes, heat the plant in a water bath. Wrap the broth in the pan, leave for half an hour, then strain. Drink a quarter cup three times a day if you have a sore throat.
  • Medicinal plants for angina, about the benefitswhich are not forgotten during the epidemic of influenza, when coughing, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, linden. Mix these ingredients in equal amounts. The obtained herbal tea you will need 1 tbsp. l., water - 1 cup. Place the mixture in a saucepan, bring to a boil, but do not boil, otherwise the useful components will collapse. Then strain and drink as hot tea, adding honey (optional).
  • Use for gargling for inflammation.tonsils Salvia officinalis, mitigating many of the symptoms of tonsillitis. Dried aromatic herbs to prepare the solution will require 2 tbsp. l, boiling water need to take 200 ml. Before rinsing, leave the solution for 30 minutes to cool a little, then strain.

angina folk remedies and treatment recipes

Inhalations with medicinal plants

Inhalation of vapors saturated with essential oils andother useful compounds, helps to quickly recover from tonsillitis. Thyre, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, and mint are used for inhalations of sore throat more often than other plants. Prepare 1 tbsp. l Phytosixes for one procedure, put the raw materials in the pan. Pour the collection of 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and turn off the stove. Remember that many beneficial compounds quickly deteriorate at high temperatures. Breathe in the healing steam, leaning over the pan with the decoction. During the procedure, be careful not to get burned. Treatment with herbal teas at home leads to alleviation of symptoms, improvement of the patient's condition.

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