/ / Pulpitis - what is it and how to treat it?

Pulpitis - what is it and how to treat it?

One of the most common diseases of teeth is pulpitis. What is it, most people know: for sure many had to not sleep at night, suffering from unbearable pain.

pulpit what it is
In pulpitis, the inner part of the tooth becomes inflamed, inwhich contains blood vessels and nerves. The reason for this phenomenon is the infection in the pulp, which can happen basically in two ways. The first, and this happens most often, is from a deep carious cavity, the second - with trauma, for example, with a fracture of the tooth, when the pulp is exposed. According to statistics, pulpitis is the most common complication of caries.

Classification of pulpitis

There is a rather complex classification of pulpitis, and they can be divided into acute, chronic and exacerbations of chronic ones.

Acute pulpitis - what is it? In this case, patients complain of paroxysmal severe pains that appear spontaneously without any stimuli. With the transition of serous inflammation into purulent pain, they become shooting and can give in the ear, the temple, the neighboring teeth. Gradually, the intervals between attacks are shortened, and in some cases they may not be at all.

how to treat pulpitis
Chronic pulpitis - what is it? This form is characterized by aching pain of moderate intensity, which can appear from external stimuli: cold, hot, pressure drops. With necrosis of the pulp there is an unpleasant smell of their oral cavity. In the case of the growth of the neurovascular bundle into the carious cavity, pain is caused by mechanical irritation, and the patient, as a rule, can not chew on this tooth.

Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis manifests itselfattacks of severe spontaneous pain, followed by quiet periods, during which, however, pains from irritants, for example, cold or hot, are often present. There are painful sensations when biting on the tooth.

Methods of treatment of pulpitis

methods of treatment of pulpitis
Conservative treatment in which pulpis preserved, is shown more often in the traumatic form of the disease in young people. Therapy consists in drug treatment of the cavity and tooth filling, as in caries. For a few weeks, a temporary seal can be inserted, which is then changed to a constant filling. Sometimes they immediately put a constant.

If damage to the pulp is irreversible, perform itExtirpation is the most common method by which pulpitis is treated. What it is? The vascular bundle is completely removed under local anesthesia, then the channels are processed and filled with paste, after which a seal is put. Treatment is often done in a single dose, but sometimes in two, with a preliminary application of an arsenic pulp to the open horn for a period of 24-48 hours.

In some cases, pulpitis can be shown to remove the tooth.


How to treat pulpitis, you in general know, butit is best not to bring it up. Prevention is extremely simple: proper oral hygiene, visits to the dentist twice a year and timely treatment of caries.

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