/ / Anesthesia is what? Types of anesthesia

Anesthesia is what? Types of anesthesia

For a long time, people have sought to alleviatesuffering, conquer the pain. For centuries, scientists have invented methods that can eliminate unbearable discomfort during surgical operations. And only when anesthesia was invented, it became possible.

anesthesia is

a brief description of

Anesthesia is a temporary loss of painsensitivity. In ancient times for anesthesia used decoctions, infusions, ice, poppy, alcohol, dope. Everything that could at least slightly dull the sensation of pain was applied.

The discovery of the anesthetic properties of cocaine hasthe basis of local anesthesia. However, the pronounced dependence and high toxicity were huge drawbacks of this method. Later, the drug Novokain, which in 1905 was applied for local anesthesia, arose.

It is difficult to imagine how many procedures were performed without the relief of the analgesic. Anesthesia is a unique opportunity:

  • relieve the patient of unpleasant sensations and pain;
  • create the necessary conditions for surgery by a surgeon.

Basic views

Each method of anesthesia has its own mechanism of impact on the human body, the complexity and methods of conducting. Today several of its types are known:

  • local anesthesia;
  • regional;
  • conductor;
  • general anesthesia.

epidural anesthesia is

The first three types of anesthesia are an interruptiontransmission of impulses from tactile, temperature, pain receptors through the nervous system. The depth, duration and area of ​​anesthesia depends on the preparation, its volume and concentration, as well as the method and site of administration. For these anesthetics, medicines are used:

  • "Lidocaine."
  • "Novocaine".
  • Markain.
  • Bupivacaine.
  • Naropin.

Local anesthesia

A fairly common form of anesthesia. Local anesthesia is an excellent chance to perform simple and small surgeries. It is widely in demand in dentistry, some surgical interventions. Local anesthesia is anesthesia, which is done in several ways. Consider them.

Injection anesthesia

This method is based on the introduction of anestheticlayer by layer. Initially, a thin needle is injected intradermally. The so-called "lemon crust" is formed. Further, a longer needle is used, which infiltrates the necessary tissues layer by layer. In the field of operation there is a blockage of nerve endings. For this procedure, solutions with a concentration of 0.125-0.5% are used.

local anesthesia is

The patient does not experience pain, but unpleasant sensations remain.

Application anesthesia

What is this anesthesia? This procedure involves the use of a gel, ointment, plaster, emulsion for a small area of ​​skin or mucosa. Such anesthesia has a short-term and superficial character. It is used to perform painless procedures on a small area of ​​the skin.

Possible complications with such anesthesia are allergic reactions.

Conduction Anesthesia

This procedure is performed by a surgeon, more oftenall anesthesiologist. So, conductive anesthesia - what is it? This is the introduction of an anesthetic drug into the region of the conducting nerves or the nerve trunk at some distance from the operated region. This allows us to achieve a blockade of impulses.

Such manipulation does not exclude the risk of damagelocated next to the vessel with the formation of significant hematomas in size. Damage to both nerves and trunk is also possible. Unpleasant consequences can lead to a prolonged violation of skin sensitivity, loss of muscle tissue functioning. The patient will need a long recovery period.

conductor anesthesia what it is

Regional anesthesia

Such anesthesia is made by an experiencedan anesthesiologist. This is the most popular method. Regional anesthesia is used for painful, voluminous and traumatic operations. There are two types of effects.

Spinal anesthesia

This procedure, which is calledsubarachnoid or spinal cord. It involves the introduction of a local anesthetic into the spinal canal. A thin special needle is used, which introduces 1-3 ml of the drug in strictly defined places.

Spinal anesthesia is one hundred percentguarantee that the spinal cord is not accidentally damaged. This "error" is completely excluded, since an anesthetic is injected at special levels on which the spinal cord is absent.

Anesthetic effect is achieved after 1-3 minutes. In this case, depending on the anesthetic, it lasts from 40 to 120 minutes.

Anesthesia application that it

Manipulation is painless. Provides an excellent analgesic effect. Due to blockade of impulses, complete relaxation of the muscles is achieved.

Epidural anesthesia

This manipulation of efficiency and technologyperformance is quite similar to spinal. However, there are also differences in epidural anesthesia. This is, first, a larger diameter of the needle. Secondly, when it is administered, it is not brought to the spinal canal. Anesthetic in the required amount (usually from 10 to 20 ml) spreads over the meninges. It washes the motor and sensitive nerve roots.

If we talk about duration, then epiduralAnesthesia is anesthesia for 40-120 minutes. Exactly the same as with spinal techniques. However, this method has a great advantage. Through the lumen of the needle, it is possible to carry a special catheter into the epidural space. This makes it possible to introduce an anesthetic if necessary repeatedly. Thus, it is possible to prolong anesthesia to 7-8, and sometimes more hours.

spinal anesthesia is

The severity of this anesthetic depends oninjected drug, its concentration and dose. This method of anesthesia is in great demand at the majority of surgical interventions. Epidural anesthesia is used in labor, cesarean section. It is irreplaceable in the treatment of a variety of pain syndromes of a chronic nature.

Possible consequences

If you touch complications, you should emphasize that they are extremely rare. In patients after regional anesthesia, the following can be observed:

  1. Headache. Patients encounter it after the spinal technique.
  2. Pain in the spine. Discomfort can be felt for a long time. This phenomenon is observed after the epidural method.
  3. Decrease in pressure. There is an expansion of many small vessels. This causes a sharp redistribution of blood flow to the periphery from the central channel.
  4. Epidural hematoma after injuryvascular plexuses. It is characteristic for people with low blood coagulability. Hematoma exerts pressure on the spinal roots. The patient feels a violation of skin sensitivity in this area and pain.
  5. Total spinal block. Severe complication, which almost does not respond to treatment and threatens the life of the patient. It is extremely rare. Provoke this pathology may accidentally puncture the brain's solid shell, in which the amount of anesthetic administered to the cerebrospinal canal is intended for epidural entry.

General anesthesia

In this procedure, the cortex of the headbrain and some subcortical structures. With deep anesthesia, even respiratory and vasomotor centers in the medulla oblongata are affected. However, pain impulses still enter the brain. At the same time, their perception, as well as the reaction, are depressed.

spinal anesthesia is

The main types of general anesthesia are:

  • intravenous;
  • inhalation.


Despite possible complications of each speciesanesthesia, such effects are extremely rare. Positive results are achieved due to the capabilities and knowledge of the anesthesiologist. It is he who can predict in advance possible difficulties and complications. Accordingly, the doctor will offer the best method of anesthesia, and also take all measures to prevent unpleasant consequences.

During the operation, a permanenthardware and laboratory monitoring. Automatically controlled pressure, heart function, oxygen saturation of blood. With prolonged interventions, additional studies are conducted that control all vital functions of the body.

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