/ / Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses: drops from sinusitis, physiotherapy, puncture

Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses: drops from sinusitis, physiotherapy, puncture

Sinusitis is a form of sinusitis- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. With this disease, it is localized in the maxillary sinus. The factor predisposing to the disease of sinusitis is a complicated nasal breathing. It can arise as a result of curvature of the nasal septum, and in childhood - due to adenoids. In the risk group there are also people with weakened as a result of chronic diseases immunity, as well as allergies. It provokes the development of sinusitis and bacteriocarrier.

Most often, the sinusitis develops on the background of a protracteda cold or flu, accompanied by severe rhinitis. In this case, often there is swelling of the nasal mucosa due to which the outflow of contents from its sinuses is difficult. The first symptoms of sinusitis are unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity and sinuses, gradually developing into pain, often quite strong. The patient has a purulent discharge from the nose - brownish, yellow or green, and if the outflow is difficult, the face swells. Acute maxillary sinusitis is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature to +38 degrees and above and worsening the general condition of the patient.

Treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis often requiresreception of antibiotics. However, this is not enough: local therapy is mandatory, for which various sprays, special drops from sinusitis, inhalations are used. So, to remove the swelling of the mucous in sinusitis, vasoconstrictive drugs are used - "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Galazolin" and others. All these drops from sinusitis do not heal, but in combination with other drugs contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient, the essential condition of which is the release of the maxillary sinuses from the purulent contents. Perfectly recommended itself and the drug "Sinuforte": these drops from sinusitis are injected into the nasal cavity with the help of a dispenser on a vial. Do this once a day for several days, based on the recommendations of the doctor. The therapeutic effect of the drug "Sinuforte" is due to the fact that it includes lyophilizate juice and cyclamen extract of European. This plant has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat sinusitis: its freshly squeezed juice healers were recommended to dig in the nasal passages.

A few minutes after the injection"Sinuporte" begins a plentiful separation of pus and mucus, which can last several hours. This drug, thus, contribute to the purification of the maxillary cavities, causing reflex secretion. In parallel, other methods of treatment are used, in particular, physiotherapy procedures: UHF, UFO, and sinus lavage ("Cuckoo") - it is performed only in a medical institution. In many cases, homeopathic preparations produce a good effect - for example, "Cinnabsin". If conservative ways to treat sinusitis do not justify themselves, an ENT doctor usually prescribes a puncture. Doing it with genyantritis makes sense if, despite all the efforts, the patient has severe pain in the sinuses, which is strengthened when tilted forward, and fever, and the disease itself lasts more than two weeks. Since sinusitis is fraught with serious complications, do not hesitate to puncture in this case.

During this operation, using a special needlea puncture is made through which the maxillary sinuses are washed from the pus with a disinfectant solution (usually furacilin). Washings are repeated for several days, inserting a catheter into the sinus. The patient after this, as a rule, quickly recovers, however in some cases it is necessary to conduct a repeated operation.

Since getting rid of sinusitis is enoughCompliance with all the prescriptions of the doctor should be strictly observed. For treatment to have an effect, it must be complex. It is necessary not only to take antibacterial drugs, but also to dig in the nose drops from the genyantritis, wash the nasal cavity and attend physiotherapy. If the medical recommendations are not observed, the disease can go into a chronic form and be cured of it will be much more difficult.

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