/ Terginan candles.

Terginan candles.

Gynecology is the most important branch of medicine,which is aimed at maintaining women's health. To date, you can see how rich the pharmaceutical market with various drugs used in gynecology. However, this does not mean that they are all equally good. The main task of the drug is to maximize the rapid achievement of its therapeutic effect, convenience in use and accessibility.

Terginan candles are the very samerepresentatives of drugs that have their effect quickly enough. These candles are widely used in gynecology, because they in their composition contain several active substances, which greatly enhances their therapeutic effect.

Terzhinan candles save a woman from taking several drugs during the day, because to treat this drug you only need to inject a candle once a day at night.

The composition includes the following medicines:

- Prednisolone - a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves swelling and redness of the external genitalia, fights against inflammation of the internal genitalia.

- neomycin sulfate is an antibacterial agent of the aminoglycoside series, which acts on a wide range of bacteria, while having a minimal negative effect on the body as a whole.

- Nystatin - a drug designed to combat candidal infection.

- ternidazole - a drug that has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, especially on trichomonads and anaerobic flora.

Thus, it is possible to evaluate all the positive properties of the drug. Terginan candles have a positive therapeutic effect against the following diseases:

- inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs (colpitis, vaginitis, endometritis)

- with gynecological manipulations (abortion, scraping, delivery, installation of the uterine spiral, hysterography, diathermocoagulation)

- inflammatory diseases of unclear etiology.

The course of treatment with this drug is inaverage 10 days, however, if necessary, the time can be increased. A woman should inject one candle at night, pre-candle can be held for 30-50 seconds under a stream of warm water, for a more comfortable introduction.

Terzhinan: analogs and possible derivatives.

It should be noted that the candles do not have their ownanalogue on the combination of drugs in the pharmaceutical network. Only a doctor can prescribe a separate combination of Terginan components in the right dosages.

Pharmacological interaction of the drug withother drugs have not been clarified. However, it has been proven that the use of more than 2 topical drugs significantly reduces the effects of each.

Terzhinan and alcohol are not a very good combination. Scientists have long proven that alcohol reduces the absorption of all drugs, including Terzhinan.

Despite the numerous positive properties of candles, the drug has a number of side effects that can be more or less expressed in women.

Tergunan candles can cause burning when the candles are first introduced, however, then it passes. Often and allergic reactions to one of the components.

This drug is not recommended for takingpregnant women and during lactation. However, if the benefit from it is much higher than the risk of affecting the fetus, then candles can be prescribed for pregnant women.

It must be remembered that the course of treatment with the drug must be done by two partners, in order to achieve the maximum effect. Do not interrupt the administration of suppositories during the menstrual cycle.

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