/ / "Aevit" indications for use

"Aevit" indications for use

Many well-known drug "Aevit" (indications forwe will consider below) is an effective remedy for those conditions that are accompanied by a deficiency of vitamins A and E. It is also used if the body needs their additional amount.

The "Aevit" complex is a retinol palmitate orvitamin A, which is responsible primarily for the normalization of the processes of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as alpha-tocopherol acetate or vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, responsible mainly for the exchange of fats. The effect of this complex directly depends on the properties of the fat-soluble components that make up its composition.

The drug "Aevit." Indications for use

This tool is used for:

  • restoration of capillary circulation;
  • normalization of tissue and capillary permeability;
  • increasing the resistance of tissues to hypoxia;
  • improvement of tissue respiration and absorption of oxygen.

The composition of the drug includes vitamins A and E,the dosage of which is many times higher than preventive, so it is not safe to take it alone. Only according to the doctor's prescription is it recommended to take this medication, as an overdose can lead to various serious complications. This is especially dangerous with respect to retinol. Excess vitamin A often leads to acute poisoning, as well as chronic intoxication, which is manifested in violations of liver function.

After a comprehensive assessment of yourhealth doctor can prescribe therapy with the drug "Aevit." Indications for use are, first of all, those conditions in which a person needs the intake of both components in an increased quantity in the body.

Its effectiveness with obliteratingatherosclerosis and endarteritis, which are complicated by trophic disorders. According to the instructions, "Aevit" medication has indications for use in the following diseases: psoriasis, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), impaired trophism of tissues, optic nerve atrophy, hemorrhagia, pigment retinitis, etc. It is indicated in cases when patients have limited nutrition and reduced intake of vitamins A and E in a natural way, with food.

This preparation is known to havea wonderful effect on the condition of the skin. To maintain the skin in excellent condition and prevent its aging can be done with the help of the pharmaceutical means "Aevit", despite the fact that much depends on the genetic predisposition, diet and exposure to harmful substances. Skin constantly needs additional protection and care. When there is a lack of vitamins A and E (first of all) the face becomes pale, the skin is dry with signs of peeling. In addition, acne may develop.

There are several secrets how to effectivelyprevent the development of such problems. The simplest of them is to use the drug "Aevit" for the skin of the face. This is an affordable and effective tool. Its vitamins will help you in the best possible way. Taking this supplement for the purpose of a doctor, you normalize the metabolism, restore the physiological functions of the mucous membranes and epithelium.

In addition to the traditional use insideA multivitamin preparation can be added to the masks and creams that you use. Add in them the contents of the 1st or 2 capsules and use daily for a month. For problem rashes, you need a high concentration of vitamins, so proceed as follows - apply the contents of the capsule to your face as vitamin lotion. Just remember that you should not abuse its external use. The course of such therapy should not be more than 10 days.

This remedy is widely used by breast specialists. As you know, hormonal diseases of the mammary glands, first of all, mastopathy is the proliferation of connective tissue in the breast with the formation of small cysts at the ends of the milk ducts. To restore the hormones and normalize the state of the mammary glands, one of the means of therapy is the drug "Aevit". With mastopathy, it is especially effective in the initial stages of the disease. Being antioxidants, vitamins A and E contribute to the normalization of the regulation of hormonal levels, and in this connection the state of the mammary glands is improved. The drug "Aevit" with mastopathy is prescribed as an integrated tool. Doctors recommend taking it within a month for 1 capsule, the course is repeated six months later.

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