/ / Elixir of youth - the source of longevity

Elixir of youth is the source of longevity

Search for eternal youth.

Since time immemorial, people have been trying to find an elixiryouth - a tool that will give them health, longevity and beauty for many years. Recipes that allow you to push back the aging of the body, created both by folk healers and by learned men, there is a great variety. Youth can be extended for a considerable time, using the rich experience of ancestors. To do this, it is necessary to use those products that, due to their composition, will allow a natural solution to this difficult task. Nature has created them in abundance. And each of us can make his own youth elixir.

Why does old age come?

The main causes of aging are a decreasephysical activity and intellectual loads. As a result of reducing antioxidant protection, the level of free radicals that kill healthy cells increases in the body. As a result, various chronic ailments develop. The consequences of aging cells and their further destruction cause cancer and diabetes. Age changes pointing to the onset of old age are:

- loss of muscle and accumulation of fatty mass as a result of lack of mobility, hence the resulting interruptions in the work of the heart and joint diseases,

- deterioration of metabolic processes in the body, resulting in a reduction in the replacement of dying cells and tissues responsible for the appearance of a person,

- failures in signal transmission by neurons of the brain, as a result of which the speed of perception and processing of information decreases, as well as memory.

Recipes of rejuvenation.

Of course, it would be tempting to drink one pill,which will prolong the vigor and freshness of the body. However, it does not exist. Nature comes to our aid. The main elements contributing to the prevention of wilting processes are carrots, garlic, fish oil and ginger.

The most common for us is garlic. It is not necessary to take it for a long period of time - a year or more. Intervals between courses can be up to five years. This period is sufficient for the continuation of the action in the body of nutrients. Such an elixir of youth can easily be done by itself, by grinding 250 grams of garlic and filling it with 300 grams of vodka. Then insist in a cold place for ten days, tightly closing the lid. Three days later, the elixir of youth from garlic will be ready. The duration of the course is one hundred days. At reception tincture plant in milk.

Another recipe for a cure withuse of this plant has more than five centuries. Take a half kilo of garlic and twenty four lemons. Grind garlic mixed with lemon juice. Insist in a jar tied up with a light cloth, for twenty-four days. A teaspoon of the product diluted in one hundred grams of water and eat before going to bed for two weeks. This course is especially useful for people who are overweight and who have shortness of breath.

From the depths of the century came to us the Tibetan elixirof youth. The ancient healers used immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort and chamomile, taking them in equal quantities. One tablespoon of the ground mixture was poured with 500 grams of boiling water, insisting for twenty minutes. Take this drug is recommended for a month, dissolving in a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey, at night and half an hour before breakfast.

To prevent heart attack, hypertension, sclerosisand other age-related diseases, you need to cleanse yourself of fat and lime deposits, improve metabolism and eat healthy foods. Purified from the slag vessels become more elastic, better conduct the blood, which allows improving its supply to internal organs and rejuvenate your body.

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