/ / Skin is the largest organ of man

Skin is the largest organ of man

In many respects, this organ is the most-most: the largest, the heaviest and the most multifunctional. Where is it and how is it called?

We are talking about the skin, the heaviest in the body, because it has up to 3kg of weight. it's the same

the largest organ of man
and the largest organ of man. If it is leveled, for example, it will cover up to 2.3 m² of area. Hair and nails, by the way, also belong to our outer cover, being its appendages.

From a medical point of view, the skin can be defined as an organ, because it consists of different kinds of tissues that are in continuous interaction.

For example, the veil of the human body, likeall vertebrates, not only protects it from external influences, but also takes part in water and salt metabolism, and also functions as a sensory organ and excretory. The skin participates in breathing, in thermoregulation and even acts as a storage for fluids and nutrients.

The largest human organ has three layers: the epidermis (upper layer), the dermis (middle) and the subcutaneous fat (the lower layer or hypodermis).

Consider a closer epidermis

largest organ
The surface of the skin reaches 5 mm in thicknesssoles of the feet, and in the rest, on all the open parts of our body, this is the thinnest layer of 0.1 mm. It is the epidermis that protects the body from fungus and various bacteria, maintains the elasticity of the skin.

The uppermost layer of the epidermis, glued dermalfat, dead and keratinized. And the lower one is the basal membrane bordering the dermis. It contains continuously dividing embryonic cells, which, having come off, start their way upward. In the process of progress from them, as a result of chemical reactions, the cell nucleus and organelles are expelled, and the cells, which now mainly contain keratin, die off. The entire cycle lasts up to 30 days.

The lower layer of the skin has a high fat contentcells acting as a storehouse of our energy, it also performs the functions of thermal insulation. In this layer, the roots of hair descend and here are the largest of the blood vessels that feed the skin.

Skin is an organ of the senses

You have noticed that many of the person's emotions perfectly reflect our biggest

the largest organ in man
organ? If we are ashamed, we are angry, happy or very satisfied with anything - our skin turns red. It is clear that this is due to increased circulation of blood and the connection to the operation of additional vessels.

But at the moment of fear, we, on the contrary, turn pale, and then it seems to us that even the hair rose on end. And this is the result of the outflow of blood to the heart and muscle tension.

Stress or an increase in excitability is also brightexpresses the largest organ of man. It is noticed that after such conditions we often have a rash and irritations on the skin. But at moments of spiritual harmony or happy love, it becomes clearly healthier and younger.

In addition, the largest human organ mirrors the state of the whole organism. He will point to the existing pathological processes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, sexual sphere, etc.

If you take care of your skin, keeping it clean andelasticity, not only hygienic procedures, but a healthy lifestyle, as well as appropriate creams and scrubs, then you will look young for a long time.

And let your biggest organ in a person never give out the age of its owner!

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