Should there be discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion?
To find out that you have problems with the cervix,it is possible only on examination at the gynecologist. Do not be afraid, if you are diagnosed, more than 50% of women hear it. The main thing is to find out, so much erosion that caused it, in time to eliminate possible causes and choose the appropriate method of treatment.
![Discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion](/images/zdorove/dolzhni-li-bit-videleniya-posle-prizhiganiya-erozii-shejki-matki.jpg)
Most often the gynecologist recommends that women burnerosion, without going into details about exactly how he is going to do it. Currently, clinics use electric current, liquid nitrogen, laser treatment and chemical treatment to combat cervical mucosa defects. Whichever way you are offered, be prepared for the fact that you may have discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion. To avoid trouble, be sure to bring hygiene protection.
Do not try to choose a method on your owntreatment, only the doctor sees the extent of the lesion and can choose the appropriate option in your case. In any case, the gynecologist will tell you how the procedure will go, what you will experience the sensation, whether there will be discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion and what to do after the procedure is completed. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask them, you have the right to know what will be done with you, what is the probability of healing the affected area and guarantee for the future.
![spotting after cauterization of erosion](/images/zdorove/dolzhni-li-bit-videleniya-posle-prizhiganiya-erozii-shejki-matki_2.jpg)
So, first of all find out what method youwill be treated. If you are offered the use of electric current, then be prepared for the fact that the procedure is not pleasant. To treat teeth without anesthesia, of course, is more painful, but here it is necessary to suffer a little. This method is based on the fact that the affected areas are cauterized by current. At the site of contact, dead cells form - they gradually exfoliate, and they are replaced by healthy tissue. Discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion with the help of current, of course, will be - most often they are copious and watery, at the very beginning, perhaps with the addition of blood. Be prepared for the fact that they can last for about a month, until the affected area completely heals. After cauterization of erosion, blood liberation occurs only in the first hours, although, in some women, they can last several days. In most cases this is quite normal, but if you are concerned, then consult your doctor.
![after cauterization of erosion](/images/zdorove/dolzhni-li-bit-videleniya-posle-prizhiganiya-erozii-shejki-matki_3.jpg)
No less common way is consideredthe use of liquid nitrogen - the so-called cryotherapy. This is a fairly effective and relatively painless method, during the procedure can only slightly pull the stomach. Allocations after cauterization of erosion of the cervix with nitrogen should be only watery, no foreign matter, there should be no blood.
If you choose to treat the cervixspecialized medical center, then, probably, you will be offered laser treatment of the necessary site. Despite the relative high cost, more and more patients prefer this method, because with it there is no pain, and healing is fast enough. Note, if you notice spotting after cauterization of laser erosion, then something went wrong as planned. After this procedure, they should not be. Also, they are usually not observed after using the radio-wave contactless method.