/ / Produlo Ear How to Treat?

Produlo Ear How to Treat?

The ear can get sick at the most inopportune moment, intravel or mid-vacation, if you make a long journey, it's enough just to lose your vigilance for a while at the open window and all the next day the alarming pain will already be felt. Even for an adult, ear pain is not an easy test, and for a child it is not at all tolerable, so try to take action immediately.

What to do if blown ear? Of course, it is best to contact a doctor sooner, an inattentive attitude towards the disease can provoke a complication. Since otitis symptoms may have bled in the ear, the pain can be sharp, aching, shooting, periodic and persistent, there are a lot of nerve endings in the eardrum, so the pain can arise, like a reaction to sound or shaking. The doctor can determine the type and phase of atitis, prescribe the appropriate treatment in the form of physiotherapy, antibiotics are also possible, if the disease is started and complications arise.

But what if the pain overtook you in such aa place where you can not immediately consult a doctor? Blowing the ear as a treat, widely known for various kinds of ear warming compresses. As a rule, they are made on the basis of boric, ethyl or levomycitin alcohol. Boric alcohol is the most popular option, although it is least effective, it's just such a grandfather's method, not obsolete since Soviet times. Boric alcohol, does not heal, but simply warms and therefore anesthetizes, such treatment can be effective only in the early stages of the disease. In pharmacology, there is a normal approved analogue of boric alcohol is Otipax drops.

If you have blown an ear how to treat you do not know, thenit's best to try compresses, this is the easiest and most effective way. To make compresses, vodka is often used, as the most affordable remedy, you need to moisten cotton, preheated vodka, making a cut in the ear for the ear, and put it around. On top put on a cellophane bag, rewind everything with a handkerchief and leave at least for the night. Although it is better to use vodka instead of vodka, for example alcoholic tincture of propolis. Alcohol can also impregnate tampons and place them directly in the ear canal

Among folk recipes, when the ear blew likeTo treat is known, the onion compress is considered to be effective: pieces of onions should also be wrapped in cotton wool and put into the ear, the main thing is not too deep, so that after the end of the procedure it was not difficult to take them out. Onion compress well relieves pain. If you mix onions with butter (well-suited linen or creamy) to the state of a homogeneous slurry, then the solution obtained can also impregnate tampons and enter into the ear. Oils can help very much with ear pain, camphor oil can be used, and it can be put in the ears. During illness it is important to keep the heat constantly, so you can wear a hat even if you do not put on a compress.

A good effective folk remedy ischamomile extract, you can buy chamomile in any pharmacy. Cooking infusion should be in the ratio of 1 teaspoon dried chamomile for a glass of hot water, you need to give him to brew, then drain. Poisons can wash the ears.

It is important to remember that when the ear blew out how to treatyou must know and take it with great responsibility. After all, otitis is a very dangerous disease, if you do not take any treatment and run its consequences can be irreversible. You need to pay attention to the health of your own ears, especially if you are moving or relaxing at sea. As they say, it is better to prevent the disease itself, rather than force it. And this is 100% true.

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