What is Adms Inoculation
For sure, everyone is familiar with such a concept as ADMS vaccination or inoculation against tetanus and diphtheria. It is a tetanus and diphtheria vaccine, classified as an anatoxin.
ADMSh graft and its components
Vaccination against tetanus is a mixture ofdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids, which are treated in a special way and are able to excrete pathogens of diphtheria and tetanus. At the heart of the existence of an infectious disease is the reaction of the human body to the toxins of the pathogen.
The category of anatoxin refers to highly purified toxins that are not capable of causing a reaction of general toxicity, but, nevertheless, they are capable of inducing an immunological reaction in the body.
ADMSh grafting: the mechanism of action
Microbial toxins undergo special treatmentand turn into toxoids. In this process, they completely lose toxic substances, but retain immunogenic. The result is the production in the body of specific antibodies immediately after vaccination adms. And the process is completely harmless. It can be said that the vaccination of ADMS according to its effect on the organism has similarities to the transmitted tetanus or diphtheria in a mild form, and it is deprived of any threat to life.
Vaccination adms: time to enter the body
Tetanus-diphtheria toxoid is administered inan organism for revaccination in children older than six years and adults. The national immunization schedule indicates that in the first year of life, children need to vaccinate with a vaccine vaccine, which can protect the baby's body not only from diphtheria and tetanus, but also from whooping cough. If, before the moment of vaccination, the child has already had time to be treated with pertussis, or if there are contraindications to the management of acupuncture, as well as to children of four and six years old who have not yet been given a vaccine against diphtheria or tetanus, they are vaccinated with vaccine ad.
Further, at the age of seven and fourteen years,adults are given a vaccine every 10 years. The vaccine is administered as needed for emergency immunization, that is, for people who have been in contact with diphtheria patients.
Contraindications of vaccines
You can not vaccinate people withintolerance to this drug and pregnant women. The introduction of a vaccine for acute colds is permissible only in the case of contact with patients with diphtheria. If the disease is caused by another pathogen, vaccination should be given no sooner than two weeks after rehabilitation. If other chronic diseases are observed, vaccination should be done at the stage of remission, that is, in the total absence of any manifestations of the disease.
Complications after vaccination
In the first two days there may be complicationsafter vaccination ADMS. This is primarily an allergic reaction, tenderness and swelling in the area of administration of the vaccine, redness, malaise and fever. Single cases suggest the emergence of anaphylactic shock, as a response to vaccination.
Reducing the risk of side effects of vaccine
Before the vaccine is introduced, the doctorshould make an inspection: measurement of body temperature, examination of mucous membranes. If the child has a fever. You should inform the doctor immediately.
Within 45 minutes from the clinic immediately after the introduction of the vaccine should not go away, in case of the appearance of allergic reactions.
If your child has just been vaccinated,walking with him is not recommended, you must go home. It is best not to bathe the baby immediately after vaccination. If complications arise after the injection of the vaccine, you should immediately contact your doctor. He will prescribe the necessary medicines that will not affect your health.