/ / Best healing ointment for skin

The best healing ointment for skin

It is difficult to imagine a man who has neverno injuries or wounds. These unpleasant phenomena accompany us throughout life. To get rid of them you have to resort to various methods. A unique remedy is a healing ointment for the skin. Typically, these compounds can get rid of not only scratches, abrasions and cuts, but also from burns. In addition, such drugs are more effective than green tea or iodine.

healing ointment for skin

Why do you need such tools

Healing ointment for skin allows very fastget rid of scratches, cut marks and abrasions. As a rule, such wounds inflict damage exclusively on the upper layers of the skin. Deeper damage can lead to unpleasant consequences. Do not forget that the skin protects from the effects of adverse factors and the environment. Violation of the integrity of the fabric is simply undesirable.

Skin does not allow you to penetrate deepertissues to harmful bacteria and various fungi. If it is damaged, then the risk of infection increases. The main conductor in such situations are not only cuts and scratches, but also burns. It is for this reason that it is important to protect the damaged area. To do this, use wound healing ointments.

The drug "Ai-Bolit"

This ointment for healing allows not onlyto eliminate unaesthetic manifestations of all kinds of wounds, but also to eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. In addition, the drug very quickly heals almost any damage to the skin.

It is worth noting that the drug"Ai-Bolit" is made from natural plant components. In this case, based on an old recipe. Thanks to modern technologies, it was possible to create a unique preparation that perfectly heals wounds. As a result, a balanced and effective healing ointment for the skin was obtained.

ointment for healing

Ointment "Astroderm"

Used this healing skin ointment forburns, cuts, scratches and even with open wounds. The drug can prevent the occurrence of inflammation, swelling and bruising with a bruise. The drug "Astrolog" perfectly copes with many problems. Thanks to vitamins and a natural basis, the preparation heals well and quickly. The composition of the medicinal product includes only natural extracts.

Active components of the ointment accelerate the processesskin regeneration. The drug "Astroderm" is effective not only for small scratches, but also for complex tissue damage, for example, with thermal burns and open wounds. In addition, the drug composition avoids re-infection. Healing ointment for the skin "Astrolog" provides a good cosmetic effect, while restoring the integrity of the tissues. The components that make up this drug accelerate the processes associated with cell renewal.

It should be noted that such healing is suitableointment for face skin. The composition can be used as a preventive agent. The drug is able to protect the skin from the negative effects of certain natural factors and certain substances, for example, dampness, wind and cold, and also chlorine.

Ointment "Astroderm" has a restoring, analgesic, and also anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the drug includes D-Panthenol, vitamin E and B5. These components allow the normalization of metabolism in damaged tissues.

healing ointment for face skin

The drug "Cicaderma"

This ointment perfectly heals smallsurface damage, for example, wounds, burns, scratches and so on. This drug can be used even for small children, beginning with a one-year-old age. The composition of the ointment "Cicaderma" includes exclusively natural ingredients, including extracts of St. John's wort, yarrow, ledum, calendula and others.

It is worth noting that this healing ointment for the skin is regenerating. It accelerates the processes of skin regeneration and is a homeopathic remedy.

healing ointment for skin with antibiotics

Ointment with aloe extract "Lekar"

This drug has excellent therapeuticproperties. For many centuries, aloe was used to treat all sorts of diseases. Useful properties of this plant are simply unique. Aloe was used as a medicine in Greece and Ancient Rome. The extract of this plant allows to eliminate pain sensations, as well as accelerate the processes associated with the restoration of tissue cells. In everyday life, aloe juice is used to treat burns, relieve inflammation, and also to heal small damage to the skin.

Healing ointment for skin with antibiotics "Baneocin"

In the home medicine cabinet should always be presenta drug that allows you to repair the tissue after they are damaged. It is very important that such a drug is universal. In other words, the drug should be suitable not only to eliminate small wounds, but also to treat burns, injuries and so on.

healing ointment for hands skin

To similar compositions it is necessary to carry an ointment"Baneocin". It is perfect for the treatment of open wounds, as well as minor scratches. The healing skin ointment "Baneocin" contains several antibiotics: bacitran and neomycin. The drug has a sufficiently strong bactericidal action. Therefore, it can not be used for burns, as well as for very deep wounds. This drug is often used in the postoperative period for the treatment of sutures.

Other drugs

Today in the pharmacy you can buy any ointments forskin: healing, antiseptic, restorative. To such drugs should include "Levomekol". This ointment is often used to treat unsterile sore wounds. The components that make up this medicine very quickly penetrate into damaged tissues precisely in those places where the foci of infection are located, and then disarm all pathogenic microorganisms.

Ointment-antiseptic for skin healing "Solcoseryl"often used to treat open skin lesions. The composition of this drug includes calf blood extract. This component accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration. As a result, the healing of wounds proceeds much faster. The analogue of "Solkoseril" ointment is the drug "Actovegin".

healing skin ointment for burns

A universal tool

A sufficiently strong bactericidal effecthas the drug "Eplan". This drug is universal and has a fairly broad spectrum of action. Often, ointment is used to treat not only open wounds and burns, but also purulent ulcers, dermatitis and so on.

It should be noted that in the composition of the drugmeans "Eplan" there are no antibiotics, and also hormonal components. This allows the drug to be used at almost any age. In addition, the drug is allowed to those who have hormonal disorders, as well as diabetes mellitus. Also, an ointment for wound healing "Eplan" can be used for children.

ointments for skin healing antiseptic

Important points

During the healing period in injured tissues indamaged cells are formed new cells, gradually replacing the damaged. Such processes require a large expenditure of energy and good blood circulation. To do this, the skin in damaged areas should receive more vitamins and nutrients. It is for this reason that a healing ointment is usually used for therapy. For the skin of the hands, body and face, certain formulations can be used. The main thing is that they contain all the necessary components. Experts do not recommend using iodine or zelenka for wound healing, as these drugs are only able to disinfect damaged tissues. They do not contain nutritional components and vitamins.

To achieve a better wound healing effectointment should be applied very thinly. Otherwise, the access of oxygen to the damaged area will be blocked. And this, in turn, can lead to the accumulation of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in injured tissues, as well as to suppuration, which often leads to serious complications.

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