/ / Symptoms of low blood pressure are understandable and simple

Symptoms of low blood pressure are understandable and simple

Low blood pressure is a serious ailment. It causes anxiety to people suffering from it. Therefore it is very important to know the symptoms of low blood pressure, to be able to determine them by feeling well and fight it.

Characteristic of the decrease in pressure for women. In the period of menstruation, it can significantly drop, and also this happens in case of hormonal failure.

Symptoms of low blood pressure
It is logical to say that he suffers thisyoung girls. Also, low blood pressure can be in men, but less often. Pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury with a special device - a tonometer. It should be in every person in the medicine cabinet.

If there are often low readings, for example 90 to 60 mm. gt; st., then there is a disease called "hypotension". And these figures are the basis for the doctor's statement of such a diagnosis.

There are also symptoms of low blood pressure. For example, reduced activity, drowsiness, fatigue, irritability even after a long sleep. Often in people who have a decreased cardiac pressure, there is irritability, tearfulness and a depressed state of the nervous system. Also affect the performance of factors such as changes in weather conditions, sharp odors, drinking, bright light from the window, a long stay in an excited state at work.

Reduced cardiac pressure

Hypotonics are extremely impressionable. They are looking for a lot of diseases, although at the time of physical activity they have the usual symptoms of low blood pressure: shortness of breath, sweating, heart palpitations. But this leads them to panic and further contributes to the breakdown of the nervous system.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that hypotonia is very difficult to adapt to changing weather conditions, especially after traveling abroad.

The best weather for such people is sunny. It does not matter whether it's frosty or the warm spring season.

Increase the lowered pressure will help caffeine,which contains a lot of tea. Therefore, in the morning you can drink a cup of this drink. You can eat a slice of salted cheese. Increases the pressure of tincture of ginseng. The glycine tablet also helps to put it under the tongue.

Increase low blood pressure
It is useful to take a contrast shower. It is also worthwhile to monitor the regime, to fully rest, to work physically, giving a load to the muscles. Contraindicated to hypotension diet. You need to eat and drink plenty of water, especially in the heat. Also there are many recipes of folk medicine that offer herbal tea. Phytotherapy is quite effective. Hypotonics with sudden dizziness can eat a tile of bitter chocolate. This normalizes the pressure and improves well-being.

There are many recipes, but the general recommendation is one. Once the symptoms of low blood pressure make themselves felt, you must take measures to improve your condition, in no case can you ignore the body's signals of malaise. Choose the most effective way to increase pressure and use it.

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