/ / Burn shock and toxemia - severe consequences of burn injuries

Burn shock and toxemia - severe consequences of burn injuries

Injuries from burns can be obtained at home and onproduction. They are thermal, electrical, chemical and radiation, depending on the source of their production. Thermal trauma occurs due to exposure to the skin of fire, high temperature liquids, steam and incandescent objects.

Burn injuries in terms of severity aredifferent, which mainly determines the prognosis of the condition of the victim. It is also affected by the area burned, the age of the victim, the general state of his health prior to injury, the correctness and timeliness of assistance.

I degree is considered an easy trauma. The patient has reddening of the upper epithelium of the skin, small swelling is possible. Painful sensations, as a rule, quickly pass. Usually for 3-4 days, recovery comes.

II degree is considered to be a moderate injury. In this case, the epithelium is affected to the growth layer. On the skin, in addition to redness, blisters are formed in which a serous fluid accumulates. Painful sensations are high. Recovering occurs after a lapse of 7-14 days. Burning oil, even if it is I or II degree, is heavier than liquid. The hot oil, having got on the skin, continues to exert a high thermal effect and creates a film on the surface that prevents treatment.

The third degree is divided into two categories dependingfrom the depth of the dermis and is considered a serious trauma. At the victim, the burn site is a black-brown scab, large blisters are formed, complete destruction of the covers can be observed before the subcutaneous fat. The prognosis for such lesions depends on the location of the burn and the area of ​​the lesion. Burns of the third degree often cause a burn shock, significantly worsening the course of the disease.

IV degree is extremely severe. In this case, a complete death of tissues. The affected areas are charred up to the muscles and bones. The patient has a burn shock and burn toxemia, caused by the decomposition of burnt tissues and ingestion of decomposition products into the body. With a favorable outcome, the treatment of such injuries is delayed for several months.

Burn toxemia leads to intoxication of the body, the decay products accumulate in the tissues and cause severe damage to all organs of the victim.

Burn shock in the first moments of defeatcharacterized by high motor and speech activity. The burnt person breaks somewhere to run, says something. Often he is chilled, thirsty, but after taking a liquid, vomiting occurs. As a rule, the victim is conscious before the onset of irreversible processes.

From decaying tissues, a large amount ofthe amount of potassium, which leads to malfunctions in the heart. Another unfavorable moment - the blood begins to thicken very quickly, which disrupts its circulation. Burn shock without timely begun therapy, aimed at restoring blood circulation and replenishment of lost fluids, leads to death.

First aid for victims of burnsgravity should be provided at the scene. The first thing to do is to remove the source of the defeat. The next obligatory action is the cooling of the burnt surface with water, and in its absence a directed flow of cold air.

The duration of cooling depends on the degreedefeat, but in any case should not be less than 5 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to impose fat and oil on wounds, pour any alcohol-containing solutions, urine, sour cream, pierce blisters. It is also forbidden to release the affected areas from the remnants of clothing and apply bandages, except for special anti-burn. Violations of these rules significantly aggravate the course of the disease and worsen the prognosis of the victim.

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