Genital warts in men and women are a dangerous pathology. Treatment
Genital warts in men is a dangerouspathology, which is often ignored. Neglect it for the simple reason that a small wart that appears on the body, serious fears in most people does not cause. However, one should be aware that genital warts in men, also called genital warts, are a serious problem. Speech in this case is not about ordinary warts, but about a cunning and formidable disease.
The pathology considered in this publicationis the most common of the diseases provoked by HPV. The Greek word "kondylos" translates as "lump", "outgrowth". These warts form on the skin and mucous membranes, usually in the genital area. Pointed condylomas in men are transmitted by sexual and (very rarely) household way.
In this case, the carriers of this virus can completelynot to guess about his presence, not only in his body, but also in nature. With regard to gender, the "genital warts" in women and men occur approximately at the same frequency. Genital warts in men usually appear in the anus, scrotum, on the body or on the head of the penis.
It is noteworthy that the defeat can be subjected tooral cavity. In this case, the saliva will contain an active virus, and accordingly, HPV can be transmitted both sexually and in other ways. As mentioned earlier, the most common is the infection of the HPV by sex. Genital warts in men, respectively, appear in places of microtraumas, provoked by sexual intercourse.
Immediately after infection passes fairlylong time until the moment of the appearance of condyloma. It may take a month or even three. And HPV may not be activated at all or, in rare cases, self-healing occurs. It is noteworthy that in the area of the anus, pathology can also arise in the absence of anal sexual contact. That is, the act can be heterosexual, but the infection spreads to the anus because the genitals are anatomically located in the immediate vicinity of it. In this case, the possibility of infection with anal sex from accounts should not be discarded.
Just at homosexuals much more oftena HPV virus is detected. For its development, friction, moistened surfaces are well suited. Oral sex is also not an exception to the methods of infection with condylomata. It was said above that the virus can be contained in human saliva. It should be taken into account that the emergence of genital warts, above all, indicates not about sexual orientation and preferences, but about a malfunction in the human immune system.
Treatment of genital warts in lightThe above statement should be carried out in parallel with the strengthening of the patient's immune system. Otherwise, relapses often occur. Modern methods of healing are quite effective. Treatment, as a rule, is carried out on an outpatient basis. If this is a small solitary formation, then it can be cured with the cauterizing solution Solkoderm or Condilin.
If genital warts are found in men,treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis. It is possible to be treated independently at home. Of course, the consultation of the relevant specialist is extremely important. It is necessary to understand that the treatment of HPV (human papilloma virus) is a certain complexity. Basically, treatment is carried out by radical methods (surgical intervention, local medication treatment). As for women, the recommendations are similar.
Whatever it was, but no onecanceled and it is available to all readers. If you keep your genitals and anus clean, then you can at times reduce the risk of genital warts. Recall and that sex should be safe! We live in the XXI century, when condoms are even distributed for free. Be sound!