/ / Shortness of breath when walking - and whether it is necessary to treat?

Shortness of breath when walking - and whether it is necessary to treat?

It's just that nothing happens, especially if it's related to health. No matter how much we assure ourselves, there are absolutely no healthy people, some are sick, and some more - all this is natural.

Nowadays, a very common diseasebecame shortness of breath. This disease of the respiratory system, characterized by a change in depth, frequency and the basic rhythm of breathing. There are three types of dyspnea: inspiratory, expiratory and mixed. Inspiratory dyspnea characterizes the difficulty of inspiration, expiratory - the difficulty of exhalation, well, mixed - and then, and more.

Very often there is shortness of breath when walking. This is due to the fact that the load on the respiratory system increases, which leads to shortness of breath. Regardless of whether you are a sportsman or not, you have done something or you have never even tried it - minimal dyspnea is absolutely common. Especially often it happens in people who abuse cigarettes and alcohol.

Also shortness of breath when walking happens at a multitudeacute and especially chronic diseases and damage to the respiratory system. This category includes shortness of breath with bronchitis and dyspnoea with pneumonia. Often it occurs instantly, and also abruptly passes.

We all know that bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi(not easy, as many think, namely bronchi). This disease is divided into two forms, acute bronchitis and chronic, which differ significantly from one another in etiology, pathogenesis and therapy. Dyspnea with bronchitis happens regardless of form and is treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs of an infectiousnature. Dyspnoea with pneumonia happens more often than with bronchitis, because in this case, the alveoli - thin-walled vesicles, which serve to saturate the blood with oxygen, become inflamed. All treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor, without any initiative.

In fact, dyspnea is a very dangerousdisease. It is accompanied by an increase or decrease in the frequency of breathing, until it stops. If you do not help a person in time, then a fatal outcome can occur.

In order to stop panting while walking,should be practiced in the following way: three deep breaths, then a break in a minute (this time it is better to try not to breathe at all) and again three deep breaths. Try 5-7 minutes so to hold out, while training your lungs.

Dyspnea when walking happens to the majorityof the world population. Often this is a manifestation of respiratory failure. The organism enters into such a state when the system of external respiration alone is unable to provide a normal and acceptable gas composition of blood, or when this composition is maintained due to the hyperactive work of the external respiration system. Insufficiency of the respiratory system arises sharply (as in mechanical asphyxia) or it proceeds chronically (as in emphysema of the lungs).

Separately it is necessary to tell or say about an asthma - sharply arising attack of a dyspnea. To stop an attack of an asthma it is possible only with the help of the special inhaler.

Care of people suffering from dyspnea includesa constant control over the rhythm, frequency and depth of breathing. For a person who has never had shortness of breath, 16-20 breaths and breaths per minute will be characteristic, this is the so-called breathing rate. All results are daily entered into a special table, after which a general picture of the disease is then compiled.

Dyspnea on walking also occurs with swellinglungs. It is accompanied by the release of foamy fluid from the respiratory tract. If you are not a doctor, it's better not to do anything yourself, because you can only do harm. The patient in this case requires immediate assistance from specialists.

At one time a lot of doctors were engaged inthe development of breathing exercises, with which you can prevent shortness of breath when walking. After all, as they say: "Forewarned, so armed." All of them are based on the alternate reduction in the increase in the frequency and rhythm of breathing. Getting used to such pressure on the respiratory tract, your body will be more relaxed about physical exertion, and the risk of getting dyspnea on walking will be significantly reduced.

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