/ / Why can a baby have a convex navel?

Why can a child have a convex navel?

The health of a newborn baby is the mostimportant for parents. In the first days of life, it is necessary to pay attention to everything that concerns the child. After all, any deviations in the period of newbornness make parents feel. Therefore, even minor symptoms at first glance should serve as an occasion for consultation with a doctor.

Nevertheless, there are states that do notThey are dangerous and pass by themselves. An example is a convex navel. It is found in every 4-5 kids. In most cases, this symptom is observed with umbilical hernia. The disease is not dangerous and usually passes by itself, if the correct regime is observed.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to visit a doctor. In this case, the health of the baby will be observed to prevent complications. In addition, the doctor will tell you how to quickly get rid of an anxiety symptom.

bulging navel

Why is the navel bulging in the baby?

Everyone knows that during the development of the child inthe uterine cord of the umbilical cord is a vital organ. Thanks to her nutrition and providing the fetus with oxygen. When a baby is born, the connection between it and matter is interrupted. The newborn has the ability to breathe and eat independently. For this reason, the binding organ loses its meaning.

The umbilical cord is cut off, leaving a small remainder -stump. To prevent bleeding and achieve rapid healing, it is fixed with a special clamp. Normally the stump dries up and disappears on its own within a week. The umbilical ring is pulled inwards. But in some cases this does not happen.

In 20-30% of cases, there is a convex navel innewborn. More often this phenomenon is observed in premature infants. If this symptom is not accompanied by other signs (moknutie, suppuration), then it is not considered dangerous for the health of the baby. In most cases, medical and surgical treatment is not required. Despite this, it is necessary to show a bulging navel to a surgeon. He will tell you what to do in order for the organ to "take its place".

why the navel is bulging

What are the reasons for convex navel?

Most often this symptom occurs innewborns and toddlers. Also, the bulging navel can be seen in pregnant women. In this case, the bulge is due to overstretch of the abdominal muscles. This condition is physiological and passes by itself after delivery. Among the reasons for the appearance of a bulging navel in a child, the following factors distinguish:

  1. Hernia. It can occur immediately after birth, but often develops in the first months of life. In rare cases, umbilical hernia is observed in children under 7 years old. The cause of its appearance is the weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This is observed with improper care of the baby or is inherited.
  2. High tying of umbilical cord. In this case, convexity is regarded as a variant of the norm. It does not threaten the health of the baby, however most parents want to get rid of this symptom.
  3. Fistula in the umbilical ring. This phenomenon occurs in newborns and is considered an anomaly - underdevelopment of the urinary and vitelline ducts (normally they should be closed at 5 months of pregnancy).

What if the navel is bulbous?

Despite the fact that the convex navel does not representhazards, surveillance is necessary. It is necessary in order to prevent the development of complications. In most cases, convexity is a sign of umbilical hernia. Often, this pathology does not require special treatment.

To the navel "got in place" (pulled in),it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles. For this, the baby should be turned over as often as possible on the stomach. In this position, it should be for 15-20 minutes. Also, the newborn's mother needs to eat properly to avoid the appearance of intestinal colic and the accumulation of gases in the baby.

In addition, for the correction of umbilical herniaring is folded and sealed with adhesive tape for 10 days. Thanks to these methods, protrusion should disappear. The same measures can be taken with a high ligation of the umbilical cord. With external and internal fistulas, surgical care is needed.

bulbous navel

What symptoms should alert parents?

As is known, the main cause of protrusion of the navelis a hernia. In most cases, it is not dangerous. Nevertheless, this disease can lead to complications. The hernia is an opening in the anterior abdominal wall, into which the internal organs protrude. Often the intestine protrudes outward. Since it is a hollow organ, the penetration of the infection causes an inflammatory process that goes to peritonitis.

Another complication is the infringement of the hernia. As a result, part of the body is subjected to necrosis. Also, infringement can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction. All these complications are considered dangerous for life, especially at an early age. Therefore, the appearance of such symptoms as redness, the appearance of a wound with serous or purulent contents, stool and gas retention serve as an excuse for urgent medical attention.

convex navel in a newborn

Prophylaxis of convex navel

To avoid convexity of the navel, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Turn the baby's belly down and put on a hard surface several times a day.
  2. Do not allow a long cry - to soothe the child.
  3. Try to avoid the accumulation of gases in the intestines.
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