/ In which fruit is the most iron? Which vegetables are rich in iron?

In which fruit is the most iron? Which vegetables are rich in iron?

Normal life of the organism, includingmetabolic processes is impossible without such a useful and important chemical element as iron present in hemoglobin. It is he who allows us to quickly fill every cell of our body with oxygen and deliver it to all internal organs. A sufficient amount of iron reduces the likelihood of stress and depression, strengthens immunity. Deficiency of Fe leads to anemia and other health problems. To get the necessary daily norm of this element is possible with food, but for this you need to know, for example, what kind of fruit is the most iron, whether it is in vegetables and other products.

what kind of fruit is the most iron

What kinds of iron are there?

Iron can be divided into two types: heme and non-heme. In the first case, we mean the chemical element contained in animal food sources. A good example of this are meat, fish and chicken. In the second case, it is assumed that the iron contained in vegetables and fruits loved by many people.

The difference between the first and second is inthe degree of assimilation is so important and necessary for our life element as Fe. For comparison: when using products containing heme iron in favor is about 15-35%, of non-heme - 2-20%.

What kind of meat products are iron?

In order to independently deal with the right food, you need to pick up the appropriate provisions. Here are exemplary iron-rich products (the list is left for your convenience):

  • veal liver (for 100 g. such meat accounts for 14 mg of Fe);
  • pork liver (100 g contains 12 mg of iron);
  • chicken liver (in the year of 100 - 8.6 mg);
  • beef liver (in 1997, 5.7 mg.);
  • beef meat (3.2 mg.);
  • lamb meat (2.3 mg);
  • turkey (1.8 mg);
  • pork meat (1.5 mg).

It is noteworthy that the darker the meat, the greater the percentage of iron it contains. So, the dark chicken fillet will contain 1.4 mg of Fe, and light only 1 mg. Do you feel the difference?

table iron content in food

Is there iron in seafood?

Many iron-containing elements are present inseafood and fish. In particular, a huge amount of a chemical element is present in mollusks. On the second place according to the reserves of Fe are mussels with their 6.8 mg, on the third - oysters (5.7 mg), on the fourth - sardines in a metal can (up to 2.9 mg), on the fifth - shrimps and small crayfish - 1 , 7 mg, and on the sixth - canned tuna - 1.4 mg. A small percentage of iron is present in well-salted herring, mackerel, other types of fish.

Table: iron content in food

In addition to seafood and meat, iron is in the eggs. The total number of elements in them is about 2.5 mg. Present this chemical in most nuts. For example, in peeled pistachios contain not less than 4.8 mg.

In hazelnuts is up to 3.2 mg, in raw peanuts -4.6 mg, in almonds slightly less - 4.2 mg, and in cashew and walnut kernels - 3.8 and 3.6 mg respectively. Pine nuts can not boast of a high content of iron. In them it is only 3 mg. All these are available for each product containing iron. In which products are the most Fe, we will tell further.

in which fruit or vegetables are more iron

There are Fe in pumpkin seeds (14 mg) and seedssunflower (6.8 mg). And in sesame it is 14.6 mg. The presence of iron was found in pharmacies and hematogen - 4 mg. It is a delicious plate with slices, reminiscent of the taste of toffee. Anemia-relieving element is also found in the following products:

  • cheese (in Swiss is 19 mg);
  • milk (0.1 mg);
  • sausages and sausages (1.9-1.7 mg);
  • fish caviar (1.8 mg);
  • macaroni and bakery products (1,2-3,9 mg);
  • honey (1.1 mg);
  • white fungi (35 mg);
  • curd (0.4 mg);
  • buckwheat porridge (8.3 mg);
  • brewer's yeast (18.1 mg);
  • cocoa (12.5 mg);
  • butter (0.1 mg);
  • flour, etc.

Here is an example table (iron content in food):

products containing iron in which products most

Very molasses content of this chemical element is molasses (up to 21.5 mg). A record number of the element is found in sea kale (16 mg).

What fruits and berries contain iron?

Of berries containing Fe, perhaps, one can distinguishblueberries. It contains a surprisingly large amount of the above element (up to 7 mg). In the black currant, it is less - 5.2 mg, raspberry - to 1.7 mg. If we talk about fruits, then peaches contain in themselves - 4.1 mg, apples - 2.2 mg, and bananas - 0.8 mg.

As you can see, answering the question, in which fruitmost of all iron, you can safely choose fresh and juicy peaches. In addition, it is useful to eat not only fresh fruit, but also to drink juices, compotes and fruit drinks prepared from them. So, plum juice is considered the most representative among the colleagues. One glass of this thick and sour drink will deliver at least 2.9 mg of iron to your body. In pomegranate juice, Fe is slightly less - 0.1 mg.

iron-rich products list

In what dried fruit is iron?

Wondering which fruit is the mostiron, do not forget about dried fruits. For example, 4.7 mg of this element is found in dried apricots, 0.4 - in figs, white raisins - 3.8 mg, in dried apples - 15 mg, pears and prunes - 13 mg. Consequently, the record for the amount of Fe are apples dried.

Legumes and iron

Leaders on a huge amount of iron,undoubtedly, bean plants. For example, the approximate content of a chemical element in cooked green peas is 6.8 mg, and in fresh - 7 mg. Beans and beans can be found up to 5.5-5.9 mg of Fe. The record holder of the same among leguminous plants is lentil containing up to 11.8 mg of element.

Which vegetables contain iron?

Do not know which fruits or vegetables are moregland? We will help you to understand this. If it is a question of vegetables, here it is necessary to pay attention to their leafy species possessing characteristic dark green vegetation. To such plants should include the following vegetables:

  • spinach (contains 3.6 mg of iron);
  • cauliflower (up to 1.4 mg);
  • Chinese and Brussels sprouts (contains 1.3 mg);
  • chard (3.1 mg);
  • broccoli (1.2 mg);
  • parsley (5.8 mg);
  • celery (1.3 mg);
  • tops of turnips (1.1 mg).

Interestingly, in sauerkraut alsocontains up to 1.7 mg of iron. There is this necessary chemical element in fried potatoes (1.2 mg). But if it is cooked, the Fe content will decrease and amount to 0.8 mg. Parsley is the leader among the leafy vegetables, and among the other representatives of this family is sauerkraut.

Where is iron most?

In the first place in terms of the amount of iron leadsbeans. In some of its forms can contain up to 71 mg. On the second place are hazelnuts and halva (51 and 50.1 mg). On the third place oat flakes (45 mg). On the fourth - cheese, prepared from skim milk (37 mg). On the fifth - fresh mushrooms (35 mg). On the sixth - wheat cereals (31 mg). On the seventh - pork liver (29.7 mg).

Now you know what kind of fruit the most iron is. We also listed vegetables and other products in which this necessary and indispensable element is present.

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