/ / Allergies on the hands in the cold: photos, symptoms and treatment

Allergy on the hands in the cold: photos, symptoms and treatment

Allergy on the hands in the cold is prettya rare and completely unexplored phenomenon, the exact causes of which have not yet been clarified. Physicians only know that the hypersensitivity of the human body to cryoglobulin (own protein) is to blame for this disease, which starts to change under the influence of low temperatures. This process causes the so-called cold urticaria.

hand cold allergy
This disease is especially active in winter,When the air temperature drops below the zero mark. However, sometimes an allergy on the hands in the cold worries patients in the summer season (with severe hypothermia, after swimming in cool water, etc.).

Definition of concept

Under cold urticaria is understood as an allergic reaction, manifested in the open areas of the body. This is a rash in the form of red spots caused by exposure to low temperature.

Despite the fact that this disease is calledan allergy, it has nothing to do with a real allergic reaction. Frost, dampness and cold are physical factors, and not a substance that increases the sensitivity of the body.

Causes of pathology

Doctors are sure that an allergy on the hands in the cold is notis an independent pathology. This is only one of the symptoms of a somatic disease. The reaction in the form of urticaria is manifested by an organism weakened by the latent and prolonged course of the disease.

As already mentioned above, the culprit of the fact thatallergy of the skin of hands to the cold is manifested, is a special protein (cryoglobulin), and the trigger mechanism is low temperature. The whole process is given various predisposing factors in the form of reduced immunity, as well as the presence of parasitic, catarrhal and infectious diseases.

Another reason that a personan allergy to cold on the hands, are malfunctions with the digestive system in the form of cholecystitis, chronic gastritis or ulcers. But experts are sure that besides these and many other chronic ailments can cause the body's reaction to a decrease in the temperature of the environment.

cold allergy on hands photo
As for children, they have a cold allergy often becomes a continuation of food allergy.

Causes of urticaria

Allergy to cold on the hands (photo below) has a rather complex mechanism of appearance and development, which modern medicine is not yet able to figure out to the end.

allergy to cold on the hands of the symptoms and treatment

However, there are certain factors that provoke the manifestation of her symptoms. They are:

- contact with cold water, occurring in everyday life while washing dishes or when cleaning, as well as when swimming in natural water bodies;
- abrupt transition of a person from a medium with normal temperature conditions into a windy environment with a low air temperature;
- eating too cold food or drinks.

All these factors work only if the human body has weakened immunity.

Symptoms of pathology

Allergy to the hands in the cold is often masked bydermatitis. That is why it is very difficult to distinguish it from this disease. Allergy to cold on the hands (see photo below) begins with a simple scratching of the skin. Then my hands become dry. The skin on them coarsens and becomes covered with small cracks. Then there are rashes on the type of hives. After that, the hands swell.

ointment from an allergy to cold on hands
In addition to urticaria with its dense pinkish-redrashes on the skin can appear and blisters. Their formation is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation of burning and itching. Most often cold allergy on the hands resembles nettle burns, for which, in fact, it got its second name.

The organism can also show more enhancedreaction. This occurs when cold rain or snow falls on the skin surface. In this case, the hands are covered with red swollen bubbles filled with a clear liquid.
All these symptoms become pronouncedimmediately after the warming of the cooled skin zones. Then gradually they disappear, and after 30-60 minutes the skin becomes clean. In some cases, rashes last for a week, and sometimes even longer.

Also a person who is predisposed to an allergy tocold, after going to the frost begins to sneeze. At the same time, he has a runny nose. Such symptoms are associated with a lesion of the mucosa. All this causes the difficulty of respiratory function.

The reaction of the body to a low temperature sometimesmanifests as an allergy to cold on the hands and eyes. In this case, the organs of vision turn red, starting to tear and itch. At the same time, there is a swelling of the zone around the eyes and eyelids. Often it becomes painful for a person to look. He has eyesight and other uncomfortable sensations that intensify in bright daylight.

Cold allergies on the hands are determined and for some additional signs. They include:

- Shortness of breath;

- headache;

general malaise;

- pressure drops.

Such manifestations bring to the person a great discomfort and contribute to the appearance of irritability in him, and also reduce his capacity for work.

Cold urticaria in children

Redness of the baby's handles when going outmay well be a natural reaction of the body. To distinguish cold urticaria it is possible only in the event that the child complains of an itch, excruciating it or him in places of an eruption. But in any case, a consultation of an allergist is needed.

The reaction to cold occurs in children:
- during walks in cold seasons;
- bathing in the pool;
- in contact with cold water, and also with the use of ice cream.

Types of allergies to a lowered temperature

Cold urticaria can be:

1. Acute or chronic. This form of pathology begins with intenseitching of open areas of the skin, sometimes spreading to the whole body. Further, lesions appear in the lesions, which appear as blisters. In acute pathology, certain areas of the skin are covered with intense red rashes, similar to the bite of the nettle. Severe forms of the disease are accompanied by general malaise, pain in the muscles and joints, increased heart rate and severe weakness. Similar exacerbations last for several weeks, and sometimes people can bother the whole cold period.

2. Recurrent. This form is manifested only in autumn, winter and early spring. In other periods, it becomes aggravated by the contact of the skin with cold water.

3. Reflex. This form of allergy is a local or general reaction of the body to the cold. Its manifestations are a rash that occurs in the zone of direct contact with low temperatures.

4. Family. This is a rare form of allergy that is transmittedperson by gender. For this pathology is characterized by a patchy-papular rash, accompanied by burning. This reaction occurs 0.5 to 3 hours after exposure to cold. Symptoms of family urticaria are pain in joints and chills, as well as periodic manifestations of fever.

5. Cold erythema. The manifestation of this type of pathology is accompanied by reddening of the skin with pronounced painful sensations on the affected areas.

6. Cold dermatitis. The skin with this form of the disease is strongly flaky and itchy. With aggravation of pathology, edema is also observed.

Test for cold urticaria

All the above symptoms should not be confused withnatural protection of the body from wind and cold, which do not cause a person special discomfort and quickly leave in a warm room. But at the same time, both for the patient and for the doctor, it is important to determine in a timely manner the nature of the reaction to the cold. To do this, you can go through a complex examination, which uses special equipment. But there are also simple ways that are applicable even at home.

 allergy to cold on hands and eyes

So, you can apply for 10-15 minutes on the ulnarfold a piece of ice. If this causes hives, this indicates a predisposition of the body to cold allergies. But with any doubts, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, to accurately determine the allergy will need a blood test.


What to do for those who have an allergy on the skinon hands? Symptoms and treatment are well known to those skilled in the art. However, the answer given by the doctors does not always suit patients. Doctors recommend to completely exclude the effect of allergen, that is frost and cold. And it is almost impossible to do this. But in any case, those who suffer from winter allergies will need to put on the street warm clothes made from natural fabrics and try to avoid hypothermia.

allergy to cold on hands symptoms and treatment reviews

It should also take into account the fact that the degreesensitivity in each person is an indicator of the individual. Some suffer from an allergic reaction already at minus 8-10 degrees, and others - at minus 24-28. There are people who have reddening on the skin already when washing with cool water. In addition to warnings, there are many tools, the use of which will significantly reduce the consequences of pathology.

Use of drugs

If a person has an allergy to cold onhands, the treatment of this disease will be similar to the removal of a true allergy. From medications, antihistamines such as Claritin, Tavegil and Suprastin are prescribed. It should be borne in mind that some drugs produce a hypnotic effect, and, therefore, they are forbidden to apply before performing work that requires a quick reaction or concentration of attention. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe some immunosuppressants, as well as plasmapheresis for cleansing blood from glucocorticosteroids, cryoglobulins.

Quite often cold allergy is a manifestation ofchronic infection with sinusitis or bronchitis, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis. To provoke its manifestation can also hurt teeth. In this case, the doctor should be given appropriate drugs to eliminate these ailments.

Predisposition to allergies, including cold, has people with impaired bowel and liver functions. In these cases, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms will allow treatment of the underlying disease.

It is also worth remembering that those who haveallergy to the skin on the hands (symptoms and treatment of pathology - the subject of our attention), should be under constant monitoring of the doctor, as the reaction of the body in each patient is individual.

The use of ointments

When making a diagnosis of "cold allergy," sometimes creams are used, implemented in the pharmacy network. However, their application will require prior consultation with a specialist.

Than to treat an allergy on a cold on arms or hand? To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is worth paying attention to antihistamines for external use. These include an ointment for allergies to cold on the hands of Gystan N, as well as Skin Cap. It is necessary to take into account only the fact that the composition of these drugs is a hormonal substance.

how to cure an allergy to cold on hands
With the help of the "La Cree" ointment, it can be effectiveeliminated allergy to cold on the hands (symptoms). And treatment reviews in general are characterized as effective. However, the ointment "La Cree" has some contraindications. It can not be used by those patients who are allergic to the herbs contained in it. To some patients from the manifestations of urticaria the usual children's or any fat cream perfectly helps.

When deciding the question "How to cure an allergy to cold on the hands?" Do not forget about the auxiliaries that will save the skin from irritation.

Treatment of children

To children cold allergy delivers the bigdiscomfort. Red spots and rashes that appear in their hands after a winter walk, itches and can even become inflamed. Such a child is less likely to be taken out in cold weather to walk, and when visiting a street it is correct to dress him and lubricate handles with baby cream.

As for antihistamines, they can be given to a child only according to the doctor's prescription. In this case the baby needs not only to heal, but also to strengthen his immunity.

The use of folk remedies

Nature has given us many natural products,with the help of which allergy to cold on the hands (symptoms) can be eliminated. And treatment in adults (as well as in children) will be safe and effective enough.

So, a great folk remedy israspberries. Its dry and shredded roots in the amount of 50 g should be poured into 0.5 liters of water, and then puffed for 30-40 minutes over low heat. The broth thus obtained is cooled and filtered. Drink the drug should be 2 tbsp. spoons in the morning, in the afternoon hours and at bedtime. The course of treatment for raspberries is two months. Such a decoction can be used for prevention purposes. In this case, it should be drunk two months before the onset of cold weather.

Red beet and seeds help with allergiessunflower. These foods must be eaten in winter in any quantity and in all kinds. Effective from the ailment is freshly squeezed beet juice. It should be drunk three times a day for half a glass. Will help with allergies and freshly squeezed celery juice. It is taken for 0.5 h. Spoons three times a day before eating.

The symptoms of cold allergy are wonderfulhelps a solution made from 1 g of mummy and 1 liter of boiling water. Raw materials dissolved in water without sediment, adults are recommended to 100 ml in the morning, 50 ml to kids, and junior schoolchildren to 70 ml. The same drug, only a higher concentration (1 g per 100 ml), is recommended as an external agent. They smear the skin of the hands.

hand cold allergy
Folk healers recommend using blueberries. They should be grinded and applied as a compress to the lesion.

In order to eliminate the dryness of children,peeling, itching and redness of the skin with cold allergies, prepare a solution of pine shoots in vegetable oil. To do this, pre-harvest the raw materials. Pine shoots should only be young. They are taken in a ratio of 1: 1 to vegetable oil and insist the mixture for five months in a dark place. The resulting drug is rubbed into the baby's skin.

Allergic edema is perfectly eliminated whenconsumption of birch sap. This drink is an excellent fortifying agent, which also regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, producing a mild diuretic effect. You can consume juice in any amount, but for an adult it should not exceed one liter per day, and for children - from 200 to 500 ml (depending on the age).

If you return from a cold street to a warma person does not feel restful with a strong itch, which is caused by a cold allergy, then the hands and other parts of the body can be gently wiped with juice obtained from magnolia vine.

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