/ / Massager for the feet "Bliss" will give harmony and relieve fatigue

Massager for feet "Bliss" will give harmony and relieve fatigue

Every person is familiar with such a concept astired legs. But going to a professional masseur is an unacceptable luxury for many: it not only reduces the personal or family budget, but also takes away the lion's share of free time. In addition, getting to a good master is often not so easy. Therefore, the foot massager "Bliss" has become a real discovery.

Massager for feet bliss

The secret of the secret knowledge of ancient healers of the East plus modern science

The ancient Tibetan treatises contain informationthat the human body is a kind of hologram of the internal state of the organism. If an iridodiagnostist can find information about a person's health by examining the iris of his eye, the acupuncture specialist gets a complete picture of the condition of the internal organs, irritating one of the most sensitive areas of the human body - the feet. This is due to the fact that the soles of the feet contain more than 60 thousand nerve endings, forming biologically active points and projections of vital organs, influencing which, it is possible to harmonize the centers of subtle energies of a person. Using a unique symbiosis of the latest technologies and knowledge of centuries-old traditions of Oriental medicine, scientists created an effective foot massager "Bliss".

Who is this miracle massager for?

In the East there was in the distant pasttradition to the couple before going to bed to do a foot massage to each other. It was called "Happiness of the feet" and helped to relax as much as possible, to tone up the body, restore strength and inner harmony, and strengthen the links between the person and the world around him. Modern medics have confirmed that such a massage contributes to the restoration of human natural forces and increases its immunity. The professional relaxation of tired feet and ankles, which is guaranteed by the "Bliss" foot massager, can be surprisingly arranged for a loved one (or loved one), without leaving the usual chair.

Foot Massager Bliss Reviews
This device is designed for a wide rangepeople of different professions. Its compactness and quietness make it possible to install the device anywhere: from the office or office to the rest room. Its advantage in use and at home is invaluable. Each hostess can put the foot massager "Bliss" wherever she likes. Simplicity in the management of the device, the convenience of its design and multifunctionality will appeal to all family members, from the elderly, who are pleased to relax before going to bed, to active young men and girls who come from work or training.

Advantages, reviews and the price of a massager for legs "Bliss"

Massager for feet bliss price
This miracle device is valued for maximum effectfrom simultaneous massage of both feet. What else is famous for the foot massager "Bliss"? The reviews of its owners mention the programmed 4 types of professional massage, repeating the movements of the fingers of this master, about the possibility to make independently any program of a tonic or relaxing massage. A beneficial effect on the active points of a person helps not only to eliminate soreness and swelling of the legs, but also prevents the development of flat feet, arthrosis and varicose veins. In addition to improving the health and overall well-being of a person, this device can significantly raise the mood!

Question about the price ...

The only negative, judging by the reviews, whichHas a massager for legs "Bliss" - the price. It is considered quite high, despite the fact that it varies depending on the quality, reliability of the manufacturer and the method of delivery. It should be noted that the positive characteristics of the device justify the expended funds with interest very soon, if you carefully examine the product and do not save too much when buying.

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