Why there are neuritis of the trigeminal nerve? Symptoms and treatment of the disease
Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve - quitea common problem that affects almost all categories of the population equally. The disease is accompanied by strong, almost intolerable pain, so a person simply needs qualified help.
Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve and their causes
Neuritis means inflammation of the nervousfibers. There are many reasons that can lead to the development of the inflammatory process. Most often, neuritis is the result of infection activity. In particular, syphilis, otitis, and herpes can lead to such an ailment. In some cases, the source of pathogenic microorganisms are carious teeth or lesions of the tissues of the upper jaw, as well as improperly performed dental procedures (the introduction of anesthesia, tooth extraction, the exit of the filling material beyond the root).
Often neuritis occurs against the background of inflammationparanasal sinuses, as well as suppuration of the cyst of the upper jaw. The cause of the disease can be a severe trauma to the face. To the risk factors can also be attributed toxic poisoning and severe hypothermia.
Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms
The main sign of inflammation are sharp,strong, burning pains that occur, as a rule, in one half of the face and cover the eye and eyelid region, the wings of the nose, the upper jaw, teeth. Pain can instantly appear and also disappear quickly. Most often, seizures occur with pressure on the affected area of the face, exposure to cold, wind or sudden changes in temperature. Soreness is aggravated during laughter or conversation, chewing, brushing teeth and other varieties of habitual activity.
Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve is often accompanied bycomplete or partial paralysis of the muscles on the affected side of the face. Symptoms can also include tearing (most often only one eye), increased salivation. Sometimes there is a tick (abrupt contraction) of certain groups of facial muscles. Some patients complain of severe muscle cramps, which are involved in the chewing process. Along with this, there is a decrease or, conversely, an increase in the sensitivity of the skin on the face.
In any case, such a disease is dangerous and extremely unpleasant. After all, constant acute pains, refusal of food and other usual things affect the emotional state of the patient.
Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve and methods of their treatment
Undoubtedly, when you have pain, you should immediatelyAnd to address to the neurologist. Only the doctor knows what trigeminal neuritis is, symptoms, treatment of the disease. As a rule, first of all, the patient is selected suitable painkillers, which improve the state of health and prevent the occurrence of new outbreaks of pain for a while. Effective drugs are considered to contain ibuprofen and paracetamol, since these components not only relieve soreness, but also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Along with this, a complete diagnosis is carried out,which makes it possible to find out the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. If the neuritis has arisen as a result of a dental infection, the diseased tooth is either healed or removed. If the inflammation is of an infectious origin, then antibiotics or antiviral drugs are used.
Sometimes in the course of therapy include suchphysiotherapy, such as electrophoresis with novocaine or ultraphonophoresis using hydrocortisone. In the most severe cases, when conservative methods of treatment do not produce any result, surgical intervention is necessary.