/ / Treatment of spring allergies: overcome the disease

Treatment of spring allergies: overcome the disease

While most people are happyspring revitalization of nature - flowering trees, green grass, budding buds - some suffer from allergies. Sneezing, cough, red eyes are all symptoms of this disease. And just like in other cases, the right treatment should be prescribed to overcome the disease. Spring allergy, according to statistics, affects 20-40% of the total population, with each year the number of patients increases.

treatment of spring allergies

There are three types of allergies: food, respiratory and contact. Allergens most often are animal wool, mold, pollen of flowering plants and much more. The first signs of this spring ailment begin to appear in mid-April, when maple, birch, alder, hazel, etc. begin to bloom. Allergens can be about one hundred plants. And the more dangerous are those whose pollen is smaller.

allergy treatment for ragweed

Many consider allergy not very seriousdisease, and therefore do not give it proper value. However, it should be emphasized that, neglecting the treatment of allergies, you can get myocarditis, gastritis, bronchial asthma, abrupt changes in body temperature, not to mention the weakened immunity.

Diagnosis of the disease is simple enough. The specialist compares the manifestations with the time of flowering of plants, and also conducts tests to identify allergens.

Treatment of spring allergies: methods

During seasonal pollination of plants, manychange their place of residence. But this solution is not always possible, so you have to look for other options. Effective treatment of spring allergy - preventive immunotherapy. It relieves the symptoms and signs of the disease in 60-75% of cases. The essence of the method is that allergens are injected with allergens. Their dose gradually increases, and the person eventually becomes immune to them. This method of treating allergies requires a continuous visit to the allergist for 1-1.5 months.

treatment of allergies in Israel

Another method to combat allergies is the complexmeasures that will protect you in the flowering period. For example, the use of home air purifiers, eye protection from sunglasses from pollen, etc.

Medicinal treatment of spring allergiesincludes the use of antihistamines, which will facilitate the course of the disease. With inflammation of the eyes and tearing, drops "Optivar", "Patanol", "Zaditor" will help. For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, non-steroidal drugs are used.

Treatment of allergy to ambrosia also occursthe above methods. Only the flowering of this plant begins in August and lasts until September. However, therapy should be prescribed only by a specialist. Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. He will help you choose the course you need to get rid of the disease.

High-quality treatment of allergies inIsrael. The medicine of this country is known for its high level of development. However, not everyone can afford such treatment, since it is very expensive.

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