/ / What does the incompatibility of partners mean? How to establish incompatibility of partners at conception?

What does the incompatibility of partners mean? How to establish incompatibility of partners at conception?

Incompatibility of partners in approximately 30% of casesis the cause of infertility couples wanting to have a baby. And today, many are interested in questions about why this problem arises and whether there are effective methods for its treatment. After all, thousands of people suffer from infertility, and each year their number increases.

Incompatibility of partners: what is it?

incompatibility of partners
Infertility should be considered in the event that inDuring the year, a couple who had regular sexual intercourse without contraception could not get a child. It's not a secret for anyone that quite often the cause is some kind of inflammatory or infectious disease of one of the partners or anatomical features of the organism.

But sometimes conception does not occur in a couple where bothpartner is perfectly healthy. In such cases, doctors, as a rule, put a not so comforting diagnosis - the incompatibility of partners. This means that, despite the normal functioning of the body, there is some factor that interferes with the process of fertilization. A similar problem can arise under the influence of different factors. In most cases, incompatibility is amenable to correction, but occasionally such a diagnosis can be final.

Incompatibility by blood group: how dangerous is this?

In some cases, the cause of infertility isincompatibility of blood group partners. And here the great importance is not the group itself, but the Rh factor. Immediately it is worth noting that the Rh factor is a protein compound that is located on the surface of the erythrocyte membrane. If an antigen is present in a person, the Rh factor is positive (Rh +), if it is absent, then the negative (Rh-).

Of course, ideally the Rh factorblood in both spouses should be the same. But this does not always happen. According to statistics, 85% of the world's women have a positive Rh factor - they are out of danger. But if a partner has no blood in his blood, then it's worthwhile to be more attentive to health.

What is Rhesus Conflict?

incompatibility of blood group partners
Rhesus-conflict occurs in the event that ythe mother of Rh is negative, and the fetus is positive. This is possible when the antigen is present in the blood of the child's father. Thus, the immune system of the mother begins to produce antibodies to the "foreign" protein.

Such incompatibility of partners at conceptiondoes not mean that pregnancy is impossible. But the risk of interruption is much higher. According to statistics, the first pregnancy is considered relatively safe, but the second can lead to serious consequences for both the fetus and the mother.

Fortunately, this condition can be controlledwith the help of special therapy. In particular, every month you need to conduct special tests for the level of antibodies in your mother's blood. And just three days before the birth, a woman is given a special drug (anti-insular immunoglobulin), which prevents the formation of antibodies. After all, the birth is associated with the fetal dropping into the mother's body, which can increase the activity of the immune system and lead to complications.

Incompatibility of the microflora of partners

incompatibility of the microflora of partners
It's no secret that the reproductive systemhuman has its own microflora, which is represented by useful bacteria. But in the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs, opportunistic microorganisms also live conditionally. For their carrier, these microbes are not dangerous, since their quantity is strictly controlled by the immune system. But what is safe for one partner, for another can be a threat.

This is the incompatibility of the microflora of partners. Symptoms of it, as a rule, are visible - after every sexual contact without condom use, the muzhin or woman has itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia, and sometimes uncharacteristic discharge. Quite often thrush develops.

It should be noted that such incompatibility only occasionally (in 2-3%) becomes the cause of infertility.

What to do if microflora is incompatible?

compatibility test for conception
Despite the fact that the microflora is only in somecases affects the reproductive function of the body, this incompatibility brings a lot of troubles to life. And this problem should not be neglected - it is better to see a doctor right away. After repeated candidiasis can lead to more serious diseases.

Many patients ask whethertest for compatibility of partners. You can go through it in any clinic - this is a normal swab from the vagina or urethra followed by bacteriological inoculation. This technique allows you to determine the type of pathogen and assess its sensitivity to these or other drugs. As a rule, in order to get rid of such trouble, only a course of taking suitable antibacterial agents is required. Therapy should be both partners. After this, it is necessary to re-take the tests.

Immunological incompatibility and its consequences

incompatibility of partners at conception
Infertility is quite complex, whichis associated with the immunological features of the body. What is this incompatibility of partners? In such cases, for one reason or another, the female immune system begins to produce specific antisperm antibodies, which have a disastrous effect on male spermatozoa. Thus, even perfectly healthy people may have difficulty with fertilization.

Moreover, sometimes the male body produces antibodies to its own germ cells. In any case, the spermatozoa die, and without fertilizing the egg.

Of course, even with such a problem for womensometimes it becomes possible to become pregnant. But most often the pregnancy proceeds unfavorably - the immune cells damage the fetus even in the early stages of development. There is a high probability of severe toxicosis, spontaneous abortion, and delay in fetal development. In any case, during conception planning, testing for the presence of antisperm antibodies is recommended to all couples who want to have a baby.

Causes of immunological incompatibility

compatibility test for partners
Unfortunately, the reasons for the development of immunologicalincompatibilities are not yet fully understood. After all, if in some women such an "allergic reaction" develops on contact with the sperm of any man, then in other women, the activity of the immune system increases only when a specific male enters the sperm.

In some cases, similar immune activitysystem may be associated with a woman's mental state, for example her fear of pregnancy or a hidden reluctance to have a child. Some studies have shown that even pheromones can influence the production of such antibodies. In some cases, infertility is associated with hormonal failures or some diseases. In any situation, special testing and additional research will be necessary.

How can I pass the compatibility test?

genetic compatibility test
In fact, there are many studies,allowing to determine the compatibility of the pair. For example, when suspected of immunological causes of infertility, the next compatibility test for conception is carried out. In particular, to evaluate the reaction of the body to spermatozoa, you need to go to the doctor six hours after the last sexual intercourse (but not later than 12 hours). Experts spend a fence of mucus from the cervix, after which they study it under a microscope.

In this way, it is possible to estimate the number of live and dead spermatozoa, as well as to study their motility. In this case, the pH of the vaginal environment, the degree of crystallization and the consistency of mucus are also measured.

Sometimes couples are recommended to test for geneticcompatibility. After all, some partners, even if they are completely healthy, can be carriers of potentially dangerous genes. This study allows to determine the possible genetic diseases of the future baby, as well as the degree of risk of their development.

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