/ / Homeopathy "Lachezis": indications for use, complications

Homeopathy "Lachezis": indications for use, complications

In the treatment of many diseases, not alwaysmedicament means of official medicine are used, often doctors prescribe homeopathic preparations. They have a milder effect on the body and can complement the drug therapy. To accept them it is desirable only after consultation with the doctor. Can present for homeopathy patients "Lachezis", indications for use will be discussed further.

What is the drug?

"Lachezis" is a homeopathic remedy,which in its composition contains snake venom. The drug has a fairly large range of effects on the human body, so it is used in the therapy of many diseases.

homeopathy lachesis indications for use

This tool is also one of the mostold in the group of homeopathic remedies. It includes the venom of snakes Lachezis Mutus, hence the name. In testing, the dose that is obtained after the thirtieth dilution is applied, because the venom of these reptiles belongs to the most potent.

The composition of the tool includes the following active components:

  • Snake poison.
  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Extract of a poisonous plant.
  • Tsinkum isovalerianikum.
  • Sanguinaria.
  • Yaborandi.

lachesis 30 homeopathy indications for use

Ball-shaped granules have a white color, a cream shade may be present. There is practically no smell.

Manufacturers produce "Lachezis 6", "Lachezis 30"(homeopathy), the indications for use are the same, they differ only in dosage. When treating diseases, only a doctor can select the scheme and dose of the drug. This applies even to the low-dose agent "Lachezis 200".

Homeopathy: indications for use

This tool is often prescribed by the doctor in the following pathologies:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathology of the urogenital system.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Hearing and vision problems.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction.


  • The good effectiveness of homeopathy "Lachezis", indications for use about this speak, gives in the treatment of carbuncles and hemorrhoids.
  • Arthritis and phlebitis.

This drug can provide significant assistance in the treatment of depressive conditions, as well as in cases of extreme excitability.

There have been many studies thatconfirmed that "Lachezis" can be attributed to left-sided means, which means that his actions are more focused on diseases that affect the left half of the body. With many pathologies, homeopathy can help. "Lachezis" indications for use is quite broad, but the drug should be prescribed only by a specialist.

Features of patients who are often prescribed "Lachezis"

In the group of patients who are recommended admission"Lachezis", includes people with marked mood swings, they are experiencing state jumps from depression to severe arousal. Such patients talk a lot, have pale skin, we can also note the following features:

  • Fainting.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Sensitivity in the neck, so they do not like to wear scarves, narrow collars.
  • Edema.
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth is possible.

Since "Lachezis" refers to serious and sufficiently strong drugs, it should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Scheme of therapy and duration

This drug is taken sublingually, thismeans that the dragee in the amount prescribed by the doctor is placed under the tongue and holds until completely dissolved. A single dose is usually 8 granules, the frequency of intake is up to 5 times a day. If prescribed to children "Lachezis" (homeopathy), indications for use most often require reception of 3-5 grains.

lachezis 200 homeopathy indications for use

Take the drug before eating aboutfor an hour or 30 minutes after eating. The duration of therapy is at least 1.5-2 months, but the duration of treatment always depends on the severity of pathology and individual characteristics of the body.

Who is not shown the drug (homeopathy) "Lachezis"

Indications for use are extensive, but this does not mean that the drug can be used in the treatment of all patients. Use of the drug is contraindicated:

  • In the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • If the body lacks sucrose.
  • Until the age of 18, the receipt of funds is prohibited.
  • If fructose is intolerant, treatment should not be performed using this drug.
  • During the period of breastfeeding.
  • During pregnancy.

Undesirable manifestations

If taken into account in the appointment of the drug "Lachesis"(homeopathy) indications for use, complications almost never arise. Most patients who used this medication in therapy note that the drug is well tolerated if the dosage and the regimen prescribed by the doctor are observed.

homeopathy testimony for complications

In rare cases, there may be allergicreaction, but this is due to increased sensitivity to the components of "Lachezis". If in the course of treatment there are side effects, then the therapy should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Some recommendations on the use of the drug

Any homeopathic remedy, and "Lachezis" is notan exception, in the first days of therapy can cause an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. This is perfectly normal and indicates that the tool has begun to exert its effect. The physician should be aware of this, because dosage adjustment may be required.

If more than 5 days have passed since the beginning of treatment, andthere is no therapeutic effect, it is necessary to inform the doctor. When appointing the drug to patients with diabetes, the doctor should adjust the dosage.

Therapy with homeopathic remedy does not exclude the use of other medications. "Lachezis" also can not replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor, it only complements the treatment.

The drug does not influence the management of the car.

"Lachezis" in the treatment of animals

This tool can be used in the treatment of not only humans, but also animals. Taking into account the species of the animal, its mass, the course of the disease, "Lachezis" (homeopathy) is appointed.

Indications for use in veterinary medicine can be as follows:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system in females.
  • Septic processes.
  • Mastitis of purulent character.
  • Pneumonia.
  • MMA syndrome of pigs.
  • Chronic inflammatory pathologies.
  • Pielit in animals.
  • Purulent metritis in cats and dogs.
  • Myocarditis and others.

lachesis homeopathy indications for use in veterinary medicine

In veterinary medicine, most often the drug is used ina solution that is administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. Dosage in each case is selected individually, it depends on the severity of the pathology and the size of the animal.

In the treatment of animals, this agent was not detected by side effects, they tolerate such therapy well. There are no contraindications to the use of "Lachezis" in veterinary medicine.

Analogues of "Lachezis"

If we talk about analogues that have the samecomposition, such drugs are not available today. "Lachezis" is the only one of its kind. But there are other medicines that have similar indications for use.

Despite the fact that homeopathic remediescan not be fully attributed to medical drugs, it is worth noting that with their continued use, they can help in the treatment of diseases. It is only necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and follow the therapy and dosage regimen.

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