/ / Impairment of vision

Visual impairment

Juiciness of colors and colors of the surrounding worldWe perceive it with the help of an amazing pair body of our body - eyes. It is the visual analyzer (eye) that is responsible for how clearly we perceive the world around us. And all would be nothing, but what about the fact that vision deterioration is very common. A large number of people suffer from certain problems related to the eyes. In this case, the reflection of the surrounding information through the "mirror of the soul" becomes distorted, cloudy and even colorless - as a result, the perception of the environment is violated. What's going on? What mechanisms lie in the deterioration of vision and the dangerously progressive deterioration of vision?

The eye is an optical system,which serves for concentration, refraction and projection of the image onto the retina. The action of almost all structural elements precisely as components of the optical system causes a peculiar dependence. That is, if any of the components (lens, vitreous, cornea of ​​the retina and even the size of the eye on the optical axis) is disturbed, the vision will be weakened. Most often, visual impairment is caused by a disturbance in the work of the visual analyzer - the eyes. So progressive myopia (or myopia) among the child population and developing long-sightedness can be attributed to normal physiological processes associated with the ability of the lens to stretch and its elasticity. In eighty to ninety percent of cases, vision is impaired in children due to lack of elasticity of the lens. Because of the early high load on the organ of vision, a certain lag in the elasticity of one of the structural elements of the eye-the lens-is revealed. The inability of the "young" lens to the necessary stretching disappears with years, which is due to a change in the density of the latter. It is this change in density in the subsequent leads to an excessive stretching of the lens, which causes progression with years of hyperopia (hypermetropia). This process takes place in different people in different ways and at different rates, which is why it is not possible to name the exact age after which the vision deteriorates. Today, ophthalmologists around the world at the age of a patient with hypermetropia older than forty and the absence of eye pathology "write off" farsightedness at the natural (physiological) aging of the organ of vision.

However, in addition to physiological (age)changes in the lens, visual impairment may be caused by pathological changes in the structure of the eye, a violation of the integrity of nerve fibers that conduct information from the visual analyzer, or damage to the brain tissue responsible for the perception and analysis of information coming from the eyes.

Many of these diseases are very dangerous and canlead not only to a complete loss of vision, but also to a general deterioration in the state of human health, because often such changes are the initial manifestation of a systemic disease. That is why it is so important to turn to a doctor in time if you notice that vision has worsened. Timely diagnosis of pathology and treatment of the disease are often a guarantee of recovery.

Modern medicine distinguishes manya variety of diseases of the organs of vision, among which the most widespread are cataracts and glaucoma. A fairly common pathology is also a strabismus, which can be both congenital and acquired. Fortunately, almost all ophthalmic diseases can be treated. And with the development of new methods, approaches and techniques, such as laser vision correction and others, the list of reparable ophthalmic problems is expanding more and more.

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