/ / The terrible disease of psoriasis: a diet for psoriasis

The terrible disease of psoriasis: a diet for psoriasis

Psoriasis, unfortunately, at the momentis a fairly common disease. According to experts, for his treatment is not enough just one drug therapy. Indeed, it allows a few to reduce symptoms, but does not prevent the occurrence of relapses. That's why modern doctors strongly recommend completely revising their diet - certainly, if you want to overcome psoriasis. The diet for psoriasis involves some restrictions, but meanwhile the nutrition still remains balanced. So, let's take a closer look at this issue.

psoriasis diet for psoriasis

General principles

For the harmonious work of the whole digestive systemsystem is very important to achieve a balance of acid-alkaline environment. For this purpose, experts recommend a few increase in the number of foods that are high in alkaline substances. If you can really achieve the above balance, the body begins to consistently cleanse of toxins, there is immunity against many colds, skin rashes decrease, etc. Based on all of the above, it is possible to determine with confidence how to overcome psoriasis. The diet for psoriasis should be more alkaline.

What products belong to this group?

  • Low-fat varieties of meat and fish (chicken, turkey, flounder, haddock, mackerel).
  • Fruits and all kinds of juices from them.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, millet).
  • Vegetables.
  • Seeds of sunflower, flax and pumpkin.
  • Olive oil.
  • Muesli without the use of preservatives.

Permitted products with a disease such as psoriasis

Diet in psoriasis is not seriousrestrictions. First of all it should be noted that all vegetables and fruits, berries and nuts are allowed to be consumed, but it is better to eat them as an independent dish. As mentioned above, in order to combat the disease in the diet, emphasis should be placed on low-fat varieties of meat and fish. Natural yoghurt and skimmed yogurt are allowed, as well as a small amount of cheese.

psoriasis treatment diet

What should I delete from my diet?

Doctors categorically forbid any alcohol and fizzy drinks at the same time.
You can not eat baked goods, baked goodsand baking. It is better to refuse milk and chocolate for a while. Restrictions also apply to yeast and food with their addition. Note that the rejection of all of the above products only during the period of exacerbation will not achieve a stable remission of such a disease as psoriasis. Diet in psoriasis should become a true way of life, coupled with the rejection of bad habits. This is the only way to become a really healthy person.

Useful recommendations

  • Adhering to all the recommendations described abovenutrition, it is necessary to pay attention to drinking regime. So, you should use exclusively purified water with a little addition of lemon juice. Usual tea can be found an alternative in the form of herbal or herbal drinks.
  • As for cooking, it is better to give preference to boiled or baked options. Surely today everyone in the kitchen has an unused steamer.
  • In connection with the fact that the diet as a result is very balanced, you can not use additional vitamin complexes.

diet with psoriasis reviews

Diet for psoriasis. Reviews

As a rule, the scheme given in this articlenutrition is exceptionally positive in patients. So, they manage not only to overcome the disease, reduce symptoms, but also significantly improve their body as a whole.


In conclusion, it should be noted that in factnot such a terrible disease - psoriasis. Treatment, diet and preventive measures in any case should be selected by the attending physician individually, taking into account certain factors (stage of the disease, age, allergic reactions, etc.). Be healthy!

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