/ What helps with heartburn: folk recipes

What helps with heartburn: folk recipes

Heartburn manifests as a burning sensation in the esophagus. It occurs when the contents of the stomach acid composition splashes into the esophagus, or when there are any disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Often heartburn torments those who have gastritis, ulcer, cholecystitis. In all of the above cases with heartburn should always consult a doctor. And below we will consider what helps with heartburn caused by intolerance to some food product. For this, the advice of traditional medicine is excellent, but it is not necessary to resort to the help of medications.

How to get rid of heartburn with the help of eggshell

In powder, grind the egg shell,using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle. Just eat half a spoonful of powder with water. And so - three times a day. This remedy is indicated for those who have increased gastric acidity.

What helps with heartburn: juices of raw vegetables

Rub grated potatoes finely on a grater and wring outusing gauze juice from gruel. Drink the juice before eating three times a day. Cabbage juice is recommended to use 50 ml as a remedy for heartburn only to those who do not have a tendency to gassing. Also you can come to the aid and 125 ml of cucumber juice.

What helps with heartburn: mineral water

Buy mineral water, but not simple, but the one inwhich contains alkali. The only thing that should be remembered, in the plastic container alkali is stored poorly, so try to find mineral water in the glass. Use water should be in a warm form.

What to do with heartburn: recipes for herbal infusions

If heartburn has decided to disturb you, you canpour a couple of tablespoons of flax seeds with steep boiling water (125 ml). Insist the drug for two or three hours, and then drink warmed before going to bed. This recipe is effective for those who have an increased intensity of gastric secretion.

In the event that the cause of your heartburn isgastritis with reduced acidity, then in equal proportions take the leaves of plantain, crushed root of althaea, oregano (herb), St. John's wort (grass), cumin (fruits). Mix all the ingredients. Take a table spoon of vegetable raw materials, pour water (250 ml), bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Take two table spoons four times a day for half an hour before you sit down.

What helps with heartburn: other folk advice

Salt. You need only a small pinch of salt (large) salt, which should be put into the mouth and dissolve, swallowing the resulting saliva. The fact is that the salt will cause the release of acidic enzymes that will help neutralize the action of bile. But soda from heartburn is nothing more than a "time bomb".

Nuts. Almond or walnut finely, and use a tablespoon.

Peas. Handful of raw peas pour boiling water and leave for a couple of hours to make it a little steamed. After a given time, take three peas in your mouth and chew for several minutes. The remaining peas can be stored in the refrigerator, having previously drained water from it.

Oats, barley. A few grains of barley or oats pozhuyte, swallow while forming saliva. In the very near future, heartburn ceases to torment you.

Liquorice root. You need to grind it into powder and at the appearance of heartburn take quite a bit - at the tip of the knife.

Buckwheat. A small amount of buckwheat cereals in a dry frying pan on minimal heat until the purchase of grains of dark brown color. Interrupt the buckwheat in a mortar or grind it on a coffee grinder. Buckwheat powder at the tip of the knife three times a day.

Honey and vinegar. In water (250 ml) add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Drink twice a day, either before or after eating. This remedy is indicated for people with a low acidity of the stomach. Before using this recipe for heartburn, make sure that you are not allergic to honey.

And finally: if heartburn is a frequent visitor in your stomach, then be sure to eat on an empty stomach buckwheat porridge and, in addition, try to drink more water and limit the consumption of fatty, acute and other unhealthy foods.

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