Chlamydia trachomatis - what is this parasite?
What is chlamydia and how to treat it? This is a question that worries a significant part of the population. In the modern world, this infection is detected more and more often. Perhaps this is due to the improvement of diagnostic methods.
Chlamydia trachomatis does not have its ownsources of energy - mitochondria, so she has to exploit the cell, using her energy resources. Chlamydia trachomatis affects mainly the sexual system of a person. It is worth noting that in nature there are about 18 serotypes, and two of them are the causative agents of urogenital chlamydia.
Medicine uses a specific classification,according to which chlamydia trachomatis serotypes D-K causes urogenital chlamydia, L1-L3 - leads to the development of venereal lymphogranuloma, A-C - causes trachoma.
If chlamydia penetrates into the male body, thenthe symptoms appear quite quickly, which is explained by the peculiarities of male anatomy. A man, unlike a woman, is contagious, even in the phase of reticular bodies.
In addition to urogenital infection, chlamydiatrachomatis can be a causative agent of purulent conjunctivitis, childhood pneumonia, venereal lymphogranuloma, as well as certain diseases of the nervous system and hearing organs. But these are still more rare cases.
Chlamydia trichomatis is found usually when taking smears of PCR, as well as using serological methods - RSK, ELISA.
If the test results are disappointing, andchlamydia trachomatis confidently attacked the human body, it remains to tune in to long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs and immunomodulating agents. Innovation in the treatment of chlamydial diseases was the introduction of an alternative method of treatment - extracorporal hemocorrection, which reduces the harmful effects of antibiotics and simultaneously restores the immune system.
Remember, bacterial infections are not a sentence, but their treatment is mandatory. The inflammatory process has the property to spread to larger areas and lead to severe complications.