/ / Diseases of our smaller brothers: cats and dogs under threat

Diseases of our smaller brothers: cats and dogs under threat

The most common petsare, without a doubt, dogs and cats. Despite the fact that people have long been getting along with them under one roof, they do not become completely independent. Although they say that the cat itself, and for it, too, care is needed. As well as the dog. However, despite the abundance of the attention of the owners, four-fingered friends still get sick sometimes. What are the most common ailments and how to deal with them?

General information

General health of the animal can bedetermine by external examination. Examination of wool, eyes, ears is also an important component of successful "maintaining the tone" of a pet and a good opportunity to notice the disease early. It is necessary to measure the pulse and the state of breathing. As usual, sick animals respond weakly to the call of the host, become inactive, avoiding sudden movements, lose interest in the environment. There is a decrease in appetite, a condition similar to melancholy. More obvious signs of the disease are fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate. If signs of the disease are found, it is best to seek medical help from a doctor. Sometimes they can help directly on specialized sites. If not by online consultation, then at least all the necessary information, for example http://4lapi.info can contribute to raising the level of knowledge about your pet.

If there is no place to pull, you can take someaction itself. This requires certainty in the disease and first-aid kit. As for the first aid kit: it should have at least a medical (and, better, veterinary) thermometer, a syringe, dressing, a tourniquet, solutions of green and iodine, ribbons for clamping jaws. And about the certainty in the diagnosis - this, of course, will be better addressed to the doctor, but the common signs of diseases of cats and dogs need to know. These can be infectious diseases, plague, fleas, noredroz in cats and pyroplasmosis of dogs.

Infectious diseases

Flow similar to people. Increased body temperature and lethargy are the first signs. To avoid infecting other animals, it is best to isolate the sick pet. After overcoming the disease, immunity is produced. And for prevention, you should vaccinate and disinfect the room.


Many pets suffer from fleas. They have their own cats, and dogs have their own. But they both suck blood from the animal, causing severe itching and leaving the possibility of infection by plague or other dangerous diseases. Because of itching, animals start to gnaw themselves. Sometimes wool falls off them. For the treatment, similar methods are used as in the treatment of lice: the use of insecticides. For the prevention should periodically conduct disinfestation booths, litter and other places of pets.


In view of the latitude of this viraldisease in dogs, it is worth knowing about it more. Dogs are more susceptible to her, in cats such a disease is called panleukopenia. The plague develops mainly in the summer.

Appetite decreases, lethargy appears. The nasal "mirror" becomes dry, sometimes vomiting occurs. But the main sign is fever. In the first days of treatment, special sera are administered. A number of antibiotics, including benzylpenicillin and sulfadimezine, are also used. Symptomatic drugs, that is, antipyretic drugs, castor oil, etc., are also used together.

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