/ / Anesthetizing injections used during childbirth

Anesthetizing injections used during childbirth

During childbirth, the body of a woman is exposeda colossal load. The appearance of the baby is preceded by the many hours of pain experienced by the expectant mother. As a woman endures this period, it depends not only on the strength of the pains that arise, but also on many other factors, such as the size and position of the fetus, the emotional mood of the parturient woman, the correct performance of breathing exercises. Some feel pain more strongly, in others these sensations are less pronounced, the fact is that each person has an individual pain threshold of sensitivity. In medical practice, anesthetic injections are increasingly being used to make the birth process more comfortable for a woman. However, before we talk about their types, let's determine why pain still occurs during childbirth.

It hurts me, it hurts ...

Pain is visceral and somatic. Visceral pain of a woman is felt in the lower back or in the sacrum, most often it is aching, pressing, dull. Its appearance suggests that the uterus is contracting, and the cervix begins to stretch. Somatic pain occurs when the baby is about to be born, it accompanies attempts and the advancement of the child through the birth canals. This pain is acute, it is felt in the rectum, perineum, vagina.

And although with pain, a woman canto cope independently, if it will follow the advice of a doctor, in many cases it is necessary to put anesthetic injections. Indications for anesthesia can be a large fetal size, premature or vice versa, long-term delivery, the use of the drug "Oxytocin" to stimulate labor and with insufficient uterine contractions. Anesthetic injections do not carry any danger to the mother and baby, if the drug is correctly selected and all the necessary conditions are met.

What's in the syringe?

After giving birth, women often recall that inthey were given some injections, however, many of them do not know what the drug was in the syringe and what it was intended for. Most often in labor, anesthetizing injections are used. At the first stage of labor, it can be analgesics, which are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. A common tool for alleviating pain in bouts is the drug No-shpa. Before the very appearance of the baby, a woman in labor can be injected with a narcotic analgesic, basically it is a drug "Promedol". However, it should be taken into account that its use is safe only if there are less than two hours left before the baby is born. Otherwise, a child may receive a dose of this drug and then there is a possibility that the baby will begin to experience respiratory depression. And this is a direct danger to the life of the child. Along with intravenous and intramuscular injections, other analgesic injections are used during childbirth.

A prick in the back

These include peridural and epidural anesthesia. The latter has become more widespread in medical practice.

Peridural anesthesia is to introducein the outer shell of the spine of the anesthetic, without directly affecting the spinal cord. After such a prick, a woman about two hours may not feel the lower body. With epidural anesthesia, a long thin needle is inserted into the interdisk (epidural) space of the spine, where the drug acts directly on the nerve endings that transmit painful impulses from the uterus. Before administering the injection, local anesthesia is administered with novocaine. It should be noted that with epidural anesthesia, strong painkillers are used, containing drugs such as Markain, Ropivacaine, and Ultrakain. The analgesic effect occurs approximately 10 minutes after the injection.

In any case, the need for a particular injectionshould determine the doctor, based on the condition and well-being of the parturient woman, taking into account the existing contraindications to this or that drug and assessing the possibility of its impact on the child's body.

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