/ / Is it possible to eat fat in diabetes mellitus? Doctor's advice

Is it possible to eat fat in diabetes mellitus? Doctor's advice

Salo is the favorite product of many people. But since it is quite specific, it can not be used for certain diseases. Many are wondering whether it is possible to eat fat in diabetes mellitus. The answer to this question is rather ambiguous. First, you need to understand the essence of diabetes and the causes that cause the onset of the disease.

Is it possible to eat fat in type 1 diabetes?

Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus

The diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" began to appear in medical stories of people more often. This is a kind of epidemic of our time. Usually a person seeks a doctor with such symptoms:

  • Permanent thirst.
  • Frequent urination, which causes great inconvenience.
  • Weakness, drowsiness, dizziness.
  • Deterioration of vision, the so-called fog before the eyes.
  • Periodic numbness or tingling in the limbs.
  • Deterioration of skin condition.
  • Long healing of wounds with cuts and scratches.
  • Dry skin and dermatologic itching.
  • A constant feeling of hunger. In this case, a person does not gain weight, but loses it.

The danger of diabetes is thatThe above signs can be of a hidden nature, because of what the disease develops further, making itself felt at the last stages, when the treatment no longer brings a tangible result.

The causes of the pathology are:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Overweight.
  • Lack of movement.
  • Incorrect food.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Long-term use of medicines.

The disease is divided into 2 groups. To answer the question whether it is possible to eat fat in case of type 1 diabetes or 2 types, it is necessary to analyze the features of each pathology.

Is it possible to eat fat in diabetes mellitus

Briefly about the types of diabetes

Depending on the causes and signs of pathology, it is divided into 2 types:

  • Diabetes of the first type (the heaviest) is associated withheredity. Usually it makes itself felt in childhood or adolescence. There is a sharp increase in the level of glucose in the blood. Typically, these patients are delivered to the ambulance in the intensive care unit. Their treatment begins with injections of insulin.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the second type impliesnormal production of insulin. The problem is that glucose simply does not come from the blood into the cells, concentrating there in excess. The so-called insufficient effect of insulin is formed. This species develops not so rapidly and sharply as the first type of diabetes, because of which the symptoms are periodically hidden.

After the diagnosis the doctor appoints the patientappropriate treatment, which includes a set of measures. Certainly, the doctor will tell you more precisely, whether it is possible to eat fat at a diabetes, but the general principles of a food to observe it is necessary.

Is it possible to have fat in diabetes?

Diabetes treatment

Treatment of pathology takes place under constantsupervision of the doctor. Typically, the treatment of diabetes mellitus involves taking drugs that enhance the immune system, drugs aimed at supporting the endocrine system, as well as a special diet.

Power should be fractional. In addition, some products are completely banned. Some menu components, such as lard, are controversial. We will talk about this below.

The principles of the menu for diabetes

Every doctor must explain the principles of diet for a given disease to a patient. Conventionally, all products can be divided into 3 groups:

  • The first group is products that lead toa sharp jump in blood glucose levels. These include all flour products, sweets, any carbonated drinks, juices, fried foods, mashed potatoes, any fatty foods, which also have a strong effect on the heart.
  • The second group is products that are allowed.consume in moderation. These include: rye bread, wholemeal products, vegetables and fruits (green peas, raisins, beets, carrots, banana, cantaloupe, pineapple, kiwi, apricot, potatoes).
  • The third group - the products that are alloweduse without restrictions. These are green lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, apple and orange juices, cherries, plums, pears, dried fruits, dairy products, boiled lean meat and fish, beans, cereals (especially buckwheat). These foods can be eaten safely.

This is a brief and basic principles of nutrition. The doctor usually specifies additional nuances for each case.

Is it possible to fat in diabetes 2

Is it possible to have fat in diabetes?

Salo is one of the favorite foods in Slavic countries. It is used as a separate component of the menu or added to various dishes.

The peculiarity of the product is its speciesDiversity: salted, smoked bacon, bacon, bacon, roll - this is all related to this topic. Far from each of these dishes can be used with diabetes.

Fat is, above all, fat. This animal product has the highest calorific value compared to others. Fat contains from 600 to 920 kcal per 100 g of weight. The concentration of fat ranges from 80 to 90%. You should also understand that the energy value of the product depends on the type, that is, the more meat streaks in it, the less calorie it is. Before you understand whether it is possible to eat fat in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to analyze its composition.

Is it possible to salty fat with diabetes

The composition of fat

The main components of fat are saturated fats,sodium nitrite and, of course, salt. The latter is contained in any of the above types of product. Nitrites can exacerbate the functioning of the pancreatic beta cells. Saturated fats can lead to obesity, which is especially undesirable for type 2 diabetes, when lipid metabolism is usually impaired.

But the basic principle of feeding any patient isexclusion of products from the first group, i.e. sugar. Our delicacy consists of fats, there is practically no carbohydrates in it (there is only about 4 g of sugar per 100 g of fat). Accordingly, the question of whether there is fat in diabetes mellitus is resolved by itself. Patients of the first and second type, even under the condition that food intake of animal fats and fast carbohydrates is restricted, use this product in reasonable quantities.

Is it possible to eat fat with diabetes

Is it possible to eat fat in diabetes in unlimited quantities

Certain rigid norms and rules of useFat for diabetics is not. But given the fact that patients with type 2 disease are prone to obesity, they need to use this product with more caution than people with type 1 pathology, because of its high caloric content. Doctors insist that a few tens of grams per day of this component of the menu on the health of patients will not be affected. Many lovers of this delicacy are interested in whether it is possible to salty fat with diabetes.

A little about the bans on fat

In some cases, fat is forbidden to use in diabetes. Most people ignore the advice of doctors, and as a result, the disease progresses. So, remember these rules:

  • Fat in combination with bread and alcoholic beverages is detrimental to patients with any type of diabetes.
  • Salted lard is also forbidden.
  • Often, lard is cooked with a large amount of seasoning and spices. Such a product can not be eaten with any type of diabetes.
  • Fried and smoked bacon is strictly prohibited.
  • Despite the general opinion, the boiled product also adversely affects the health of diabetics.

In simple terms, this product is allowed.patients only under certain conditions. We answered the question of whether fat is possible with type 2 and type 1 diabetes, but it is worth noting that it needs to be cooked properly.

Can I eat fat in diabetes mellitus type 2

In what form can you eat lard

Ideal - the use of bacon without any treatment. A small amount of salted product is allowed to eat with broth, soup or salad.

Does not harm human health fat,baked in the oven. Such a dish is made quite simple. Fresh lard is slightly salted before cooking and left under cover for some time. If you like garlic, you can add it to the recipe. Bake the dish better on the grid for 1-1.5 hours. Then you need to otudit, putting for some time in the fridge. Prepared lard should be placed on a baking sheet, adding vegetables there, and bring the ingredients to the preparedness in the oven. Eat this dish in small quantities can be daily.

So we answered the question of whetherwhether to eat fat in diabetes mellitus type 2 and pathology type 1. As in other aspects, moderation is important in this problem. Eating in limited quantities does not harm your health.

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