Can I get pregnant on the last day of menstruation without being protected?
The question of contraception was always a woman's advance. But not always this problem was called such a beautiful word. Currently, a rather large number of contraceptive options are available: oral, postcoital, mini-pili, depot preparations, etc. Having chosen one of them and using constantly, the woman protects herself from many troubles and worries. For example, there is no need to worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant on the last day of menstruation, whether the cycle will not go wrong. But they have their shortcomings and side effects, because of which some still decide to use a simple calendar method. It was invented long ago, and it is not difficult to find information about it.
The most elementary method of such contraceptionis based on the calculation of ovulation days, dangerous and safe. Usually it is taken as a basis that five days before, and also after menstruation are not dangerous. This method also involves more accurate ways of determining the individual terms of ovulation. By basal temperature, ultrasound and by special tests, similar to pregnancy tests.
It is believed that during the period of pregnancy become pregnantis impossible. At this time, the unfertilized ovum comes out, and the new one has not yet formed. But still, worry about whether you can get pregnant on the last day of the month or during them, is not so rare. It is often possible to hear stories that the conception of a child occurred during the period of a month. Such situations arise because at this time people stop using additional contraceptives, completely relying on female nature. And such imprudence can sometimes lead to undesirable consequences if the child has not been planned.
So, is it possible to get pregnant on the last day of menstruation?
Definitely - yes. Let the chances of this be small, but they must be taken into account, especially if you do not yet plan to add to the family. Whether it is possible to get pregnant on the last day of menstruation, mostly depends on the woman's menstrual cycle. What factors need to be considered before completely giving up contraception and switching to the calendar method?
1. This method is suitable only for those women whose cycle is fully established and predictable enough. The body is not a very permanent thing, it is affected by various stresses, diseases. And it is the menstrual cycle that very easily gets stuck for these or other reasons. And it is impossible to calculate the time of ovulation precisely if it is unstable.
2. Basically, this method is more suitable for women who in principle are not against the child at the moment. If you are strongly concerned with the question of whether to get pregnant on or after the last day of menstruation, this method is definitely not yours.
3. Applying this method, you need to keep an accurate diary of your menstrual cycle. This will require sufficient persistence and serious approach.
What is the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation and safe days, and why is this happening?
Every woman has a period when she gets pregnantis impossible. At this time, the egg is simply not there. This is the magic days before and after the menstrual periods. But, unfortunately, if the cycle is not permanent, the egg can fully mature "not in time." And, without knowing about it, you can make a mistake in your calculations. Serious changes in the cycle can lead to some diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases, climate change, the intake of certain medicines, excessive consumption of alcohol.
Another rather serious factor -the possibility of maturing two eggs at the same time. This is a hereditary feature of the body. This situation is also possible with a strong hormonal surge. In this case, only one egg is killed, and the second remains viable. So, the opportunity to become pregnant is preserved throughout the cycle.
Because of these risks, if you decide not yetto get a child, it is better to use more reliable contraceptives than the calendar method. Or use a condom in addition to it, not only in dangerous, but also in relatively safe days.