/ / Phimosis of the brain - there is no threat to life, but full recovery is in question!

Phimosis of the brain - there is no threat to life, but full recovery is in question!

Today, from the lips of journalists, more and moreto hear that our Russian deputies have the exact phimosis of the brain. It is interesting that the public fully supports this opinion, but accuses journalists and television themselves of the fact that they are the cause of this "disease."

Phimosis of the brain
Gradually, this concept became part of the popularInternet folklore, but most people still do not fully understand its meaning and even believe that the phimosis of the brain is a medical term. However, this is not entirely true or even, more precisely, not at all. Certainly, phimosis is the name of a real disease, which is associated with intimate masculine problems and is treated by circumcision of the foreskin. Lack of connective tissue in the body and causes phimosis. The operation to solve this problem for men is quite simple, but with the brain everything is much more complicated.

Symptoms of this mental "disease"is the inability to objectively assess the surrounding really and narrowness of views with a greatly inflated self-esteem, which caused phimosis of the brain. Simply put, the "patient" is so confident in his exclusivity that he can not see anything further than his nose. And this state is jokingly called a phimosis because it results in the fact that the increased self-esteem, as it were, infringes on the gray substance and violates the neuronal connections, which prevents the normal flow of chemical and biological processes in the brain. However, unlike all the diseases, he does not suffer from the "patient" himself, but from the people around him. In this case, most often, several stages of progressive phimosis are isolated:

  1. A person can objectively reason and think only in a calm state, and in an excited state, his own ego comes to the fore, which prevents logical deductions.
  2. At this stage, objective thinking becomesinconvenient and in a calm state, and on the surrounding people a whole stream of unmotivated aggression is spilled out, due to which the "patient" is even more assertive.
    Phimosis without surgery
  3. Now the business is really seriousturnover, and constant aggression towards the world around becomes a life style of a person who finally convinces himself of his own exclusivity and insignificance of all the surrounding people. It is no longer possible to cure phimosis without surgery in such a neglected stage, therefore, an "operative" intervention of an experienced psychologist is necessary, and the treatment will take a huge amount of time and mental strength, and the doctor, and the patient himself.
    Phimosis operation
  4. Phimosis of the brain of the fourth degree isquite a separate conversation, because at this stage the "disease" completely subordinates to itself the life of the "patient", who already begins to feel its deleterious influence, but nothing can be done about it. The Internet community clearly agrees that only "euthanasia" will help at this stage, and full recovery even under the guidance of a real professional turns out to be a big question. Although everything still depends on the mood of the "patient" and his desire to recover.
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