/ / Carrot juice - a storehouse of vitamins

Carrot juice is a storehouse of vitamins

Carrot juice - a sunny drink sparklingsaturated color in a glass, with an amazing taste, familiar to us from childhood. A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. A favorite drink can activate our immunity, preserve youth and make the necessary balance in the work of all body systems.

Using carrot juice, you bring a hugebenefit your body. Its main advantage is a high content of beta-caratin and vitamin A. It includes nicotinic and pantothenic acids, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, calcium and potassium, vitamins C, E, PP, K and B. Carrot juice is multivitamin, a well-assimilated human body at any age. No wonder he is appointed to restore vision and enhance immunity.

It is recommended to take during pregnancy andthe first to introduce into the feeding of a baby. Drinking half a liter of carrot juice a day, the young mother not only improves the quality of breast milk, but also provides the baby with the full set of vitamins necessary for him to fully develop. Carrot juice will help get rid of toxemia in the first trimester of pregnancy and will become an excellent preventive measure against generic sepsis in the last months before childbirth.

An invaluable benefit will be a drink and a baby inof infants. In fact juice from fresh carrots becomes an excellent laxative agent of soft action. It will help with thrush or infectious diseases of the oral cavity. And it will be invaluable in anemia.

The possibilities of juice from a bright carrotare limited. With its help they treat purulent wounds, burns and frostbite. Carrot juice is used for scarring of ulcers and is able to reduce the cancerous tumor. An excellent remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases are compresses and lotions of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

But if everyone knows what good carrot juice is,few people know about contraindications. Although they are few, they are. Before using this miracle drink, you should receive the advice of a treating therapist. Carrot juice can cause exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcer, hyperacidity and diabetes mellitus. A large amount of a drink drunk can provoke an attack of headache, vomiting and lethargy. Skin becomes yellow, and at a high dosage - orange. In this case, you should stop drinking juice for a while.

The recipe for carrot juice is very simple. It is enough to take fresh carrots, rinse it well and peel it and peel it. Grind the roots in any convenient way. You can use a blender, grater or food processor. Now it is necessary to squeeze the resulting carrot puree through a cheesecloth or sieve. The carrot pulp is laid out on packages and frozen for subsequent use in the preparation of the first and second dishes. Add a little citric acid to the juice and sugar syrup 10%. Drink immediately. The longer it interacts with oxygen, the fewer useful properties it will remain.

There is an excellent opportunity to prepare carrot juice in the autumn period. To do this, we use two options.

  • Ready beverage is poured on tight bags and frozen in the freezer. Before use, let's thaw.
  • Ready beverage is poured into pre-prepared cans, sterilized with closed lids and rolled up. Banks with a drink are stored in a dark warm place before consumption.

Any of the options will save all the useful properties of carrot juice for the necessary period of time.

If you want to have a drink to cleanse the body,then prepare the carrot-beet juice. One third of the beets and three carrots - that's all you need. We squeeze the juice from vegetables separately and mix in a glass. We use freshly prepared.

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