Thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs - treatment
Thrombophlebitis of lower limbs, treatment which occupies a special place in the modernmedicine - a common disease and affects people of different age categories. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process of the venous wall with the subsequent formation of a thrombus in the venous lumen. Often this name is given to thrombosis and inflammation of superficial subcutaneous veins.
Causes: For the development of the disease, the presence ofcontributing factors. The most common provoker of thrombophlebitis is atherosclerosis. But even if there is atherosclerosis for the development of thrombophlebitis, three other reasons are necessary:
- Inflammation of the venous membrane;
- increased blood coagulability;
- worsened venous blood flow.
To activate these reasons, their provocative factors are required. According to doctors such are: the disease of hypertension, diabetes, smoking, the age group of 50 years, overweight.
A person with healthy veins can also becomea victim of such a dangerous disease as thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. The causes of the disease can be: trauma, pregnancy, childbirth, malignant diseases, infections, surgical interventions.
Symptoms: In some cases, the disease proceeds without any complaints of the patient, writing off the feeling of some discomfort for stress, fatigue or heat.
The first signs of thrombophlebitis areweakness and feeling of heaviness in the legs, periodic sensations of pain in the calf muscles, swelling of the feet (more often in the ankle zone), chill fingers, dry skin of the legs. These symptoms speak of disorders in the circulatory system.
Further thrombophlebitis of the legs may be accompanied bylameness, acute pain in the veins, even at rest. In the acute stage of the disease there are permanent, not passing pain, fever, weakness.
Diagnosis: The primary diagnosis is made based on the symptoms present and a visual examination of the injured limbs. Further, to obtain more complete information about the patient's condition, blood tests, radiopaque phlebography, triplex scanning are prescribed.
Thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs - treatment: Treatment of the disease depends on its stage, localization, degree of leakage. It also takes into account the patient's condition and how the disease affects the quality of his life.
In general, the disease at the initial stage is treated inoutpatient settings. The main direction is the elimination of local thrombotic and inflammatory processes. Patient should be active. Bed rest is contraindicated in this case.
During treatment, the patient is assignedanti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, phlebotonics of plant origin, polyenzyme mixtures, disaggregants, derivatives of routine. Since the first days of treatment, the patient is recommended fixing the limbs with elastic bandages or stockings. With such a dangerous disease as thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, treatment is recommended to be performed immediately and with full control of the doctor.
In case of threat of penetration of the disease in the regionDeep veins require urgent hospitalization. In such cases, an emergency surgery is prescribed. The operation involves bandaging or removing veins in the area of the localization of the disease.
Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities - treatment with folk remedies: At the initial stage of the disease, in combination with the main treatment, folk methods can be used. Such treatment will help to get rid of the presence of some discomfort (swelling, pain).
From plant fees you can make tinctures forcompresses and ointments. For this use such medicinal plants as field horsetail, marsh ayr, mountain arnica, bitter wormwood. Based on these herbs are made tinctures for night compresses.
To remove swelling, you can use honey orleaves of cabbage, which are applied at night to the affected limbs. You can rub your feet twice with apple cider vinegar, diluted with water (3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar / 1 glass of water).
However, it is worth remembering that any action should be applied only with the consent of the doctor.