Hemorrhoids. Causes of its occurrence
Hemorrhoids are a disease in whichveins of the anus and rectum. There are two of its kind. This hemorrhoid is external, when the external veins of the rectum are affected and the hemorrhoidal nodes covered by the skin come out, and the inner one when the veins in the rectum expand inside. Because hemorrhoids appear outside, people turn to the doctor with a complaint that they have "got hemorrhoids". But, the so-called "bumps", are formed with internal hemorrhoids and they also require treatment.
What causes hemorrhoids?
Irregular and incorrect diet, weight lifting, alcohol abuse, uncontrolled intake of laxatives can provoke the development of this disease.
The causes of hemorrhoids are different. The main one is the stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis and rectum. When the venous wall is under strong pressure, it is filled with blood. If this phenomenon is repeated systematically and lasts a long time, hemorrhoids arise. The causes of increased pressure on the walls of the veins may be different: a sedentary lifestyle (provoking blood stasis), heavy physical exertion (for example, associated with the profession), a growing tumor, permanent constipation. The characteristic pressure is exerted by the pregnant uterus, as well as by incorrect attempts during the labor process.
Congenital features of the structure of the anus veins andrectum can cause stagnant phenomena. In the case where the weakness of the walls of the veins is due to the icing, hemorrhoids can also develop. The reasons for each case are individual and the tactics of treatment depend on their detection.
Often subject to this disease peopleyoung age. Although it is noticed that according to statistics, still more often it is in the elderly and senile age that hemorrhoids develop. The causes of this phenomenon are easily explained by the mechanism of a gradual decrease in vital activity, the result of which is the atony of the intestine.
The development of hemorrhoids has several stages. The sensation of some inconvenience with time begins to be accompanied by itching pain and a feeling of heaviness in the area of the anus, constipation becomes frequent. Physical exercise or taking liquor only strengthens these sensations. Later there is a so-called hemorrhoidal bleeding. Inflammation of the nodes and blockage provoke acute paroxysmal pains, which can be accompanied by constipation, fever and other symptoms. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it becomes paraproctitis.
Hemorrhoids have a chronic course withalternating periods of remission and exacerbation. During a lull, a person feels completely healthy. But in the future, quiet intervals become shorter, bleeding increases. Even internal knots fall out and are infringed, they swell, become dense, acquire a blue or black color, cause severe acute pain.
Therefore, for any inconvenience during the actdefecation, burning in the area of the anus and especially with the appearance of hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, you need to contact a specialist. These patients should be under the supervision of a proctologist or a surgeon, and with increasing inflammation, seek help. Self-correcting the fallen nodes will only aggravate the course of the disease, often it leads to severe bleeding and other complications.
The effectiveness of treatment conducted by a surgeon depends on the timely treatment of him at an early stage of the disease. In difficult cases, only surgical intervention can help.
What is the prevention of the disease? First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons for hemorrhoids: constipation, inactivity, malnutrition, forced long-term presence in one position. It is necessary to accustom your body to daily emptying of the intestine, preferably at the same time. During an exacerbation, do not consume alcoholic beverages and products that cause constipation. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber, porridge. It is necessary to exercise stably in gymnastics, it is good, if possible, to perform at least some exercises from the complex a couple of times during the working day. And people working mostly standing, you need to include exercises that are performed sitting, and working sitting - exercises performed in the standing position.