How much does "Monural" help? Features of application, instructions, contraindications and reviews about the drug
How much does "Monural" help? Few women know the answer to the question. In this regard, in this article, we decided to tell you about what the medicament is used for, how and how much it works, whether it has contraindications and so on.

Packaging, composition, form
About how much "Monural" helps, you canlearn from the instructions that are attached to the drug. It is placed in a cardboard box containing laminated multi-layered bags of medicinal substance.
The drug under consideration goes on sale in the form of white granules with a mandarin flavor. They are designed to prepare a solution for oral administration.
The answer to the question of how much helps"Monural", is closely related to its composition. The active substance of this drug is phosphomycin trometamol. Also, it contains additional components in the form of saccharin, tangerine and orange flavor, as well as sucrose.
Pharmacological characteristics
Many patients who were assigned this drug are not only interested in the question of how much the Monural is operating, but also about whether it is an antibacterial agent.
According to the attached instruction, thethe drug is a modern broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is used in the therapy of a variety of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
Before answering the question of whether, throughhow much helps "Monural", it should be said that it is a derivative of phosphonic acid. This drug is able to have a bactericidal effect, which is due to the suppression of the synthesis of bacterial cell walls.
Being an analogue of phosphoenolpyruvate, the activethe substance interacts with the N-acetyl-glucosamine-3-o-enolpyruvyl transferase enzyme. As a result, its irreversible, selective and specific inhibition occurs, which ensures the absence of cross-resistance with other antibiotics, as well as the possibility of synergism with them.

"Monural" is active against manyGram-positive bacteria and most gram-negative microorganisms. Its active substance reduces the adhesion of bacteria to the epithelial layer of the urinary tract.
How much does "Monural" work? The active substance of the preparation is absorbed from the digestive tract almost immediately after administration. At the same time, it quickly accumulates in the urine.
With a single use of medicinalsolution, its bioavailability is 35-65%. The active substance of the drug does not bind to plasma proteins, but in the human body dissociates into trometamol and phosphomycin and is no longer metabolized.
When taking a single dose of "Monural" in the amount of 3 g, its concentration in the urine reaches a high level (99%) of bactericidal activity against many pathogens of urinary tract infections.
So how many hours does the "Monural" help? According to the enclosed instructions, its maximum concentration is achieved in approximately 120-160 minutes. After this period of time the drug begins its active action.
The drug is withdrawn unchanged (about 95%) by means of the kidneys. At the same time, its highest concentrations are noted in the urine. Also, 5% of the active substance is excreted together with bile.
The half-life of the antibiotic is four hours.

Pharmacokinetic parameters in special cases
How long will Monoral help patients?with a moderate decrease in renal function? In this category of people, the effect of the drug is also noted after two hours. It is during this period of time that the drug reaches high concentrations in the blood. However, in these patients, the half-life of phosphomycin from the plasma is slightly increased.
How much does Monural help with cystitis? Two days is enough for the patient to develop a stable therapeutic effect.
Indications for use
As mentioned above, this medication is used to treat various diseases of the urinary system. In particular, this drug helps with:
- acute attacks of recurrent bacterial cystitis;
- acute bacterial cystitis;
- asymptomatic massive bacteriuria in pregnant women;
- postoperative urinary tract infections;
- bacterial nonspecific urethritis.
It should also be noted that the solution forOral administration is often used as a prophylactic against urinary tract infections during diagnostic transurethral examinations and in surgical intervention.
Contraindications for use
As evidenced by the information on thewe have the product of the pharmaceutical industry (the drug "Monural") reviews, with cystitis its effect is quite effective. However, do not forget that any medicine has contraindications. According to the instructions, this drug is not recommended for appointments with:
- severe degree of kidney failure;
- hypersensitivity to additional and basic substances of the medicine;
- and also for the treatment of children under five years of age.

The drug "Monural": how to take it?
With cystitis, as well as other diseasesurinary system, the contents of a single sachet must be dissolved in 1/3 cup of plain water. The resulting solution should be taken 2 hours before meals or 120 minutes after. Use of medication in the process of eating is not recommended, since this will noticeably slow down its absorption in the body.
According to the instructions, it is advisable to take the drug at night. This should be done after the bladder is empty.
For one course of treatment, one packet withdrug. It should be noted that it is forbidden to combine "Monural" with a drug such as "Metoclopramide". This is due to the fact that a combination of these drugs can significantly reduce the concentration of phosphomycin in the blood and urine. As a result of the effect of therapy, you will not achieve it.
People who suffer from diabetes,it is necessary to consider that the composition of the drug "Monural" includes sucrose. Also it should be noted that during its reception it is forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages.
Dosage of the drug for adults
"Monural" with cystitis (contraindications anduse of the drug were described above), as well as in other diseases, adults should be taken in a dosage equal to 3 g (once a day). The solution is used once.
If necessary, the attending physician may prescribe to his patient a second dose, but only after a day.

As a rule, such therapy is required whena recurrent bacterial infection, a severe course of the disease (for example, in the absence of a proper result after a single dose), as well as in old age.
For the prevention of various urinary tract infectionsways of urological intervention or diagnosis, this medication is also prescribed twice. The solution is taken three hours before the planned manipulation or any medical research. The interval after the first intake should be 24 hours.
People with renal insufficiency should be prescribed the preparation "Monural" with extreme caution. Such patients need to increase the time interval between doses of the drug or to reduce the dose.
Can I give it to children?
This medication can be given to children, but onlythose who have reached the age of 5. To children it is recommended to take the drug only once in an amount of 2 g. To the child up to the specified age "Monural" is not appointed because of the unformed renal-pelvis system (that is, the kid has not yet developed a filtration system in the kidneys).
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy, women often suffer from cystitis. The solution "Monural" effectively treats this disease and does not cause pathology in the fetus.
The biggest advantage of this drug istaking it once, while most antibiotics are required to take at least 5-7 days. It should also be noted that this medicine has virtually no side effects and contraindications. As a rule, it is well tolerated by patients. However, only an experienced doctor can prescribe this remedy to pregnant women after a thorough examination. Indeed, many experts know that the active substance "Monural" easily overcomes the placental barrier. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, its reception is extremely undesirable.

As for lactation, during this periodthe preparation in question is generally prohibited. If there is an urgent need to take it, breastfeeding should be discontinued, because fosfomycin enters the milk.
"Monural" in cystitis: effectiveness and feedback on the drug
The drug "Monural" for the treatment of cystitis is best suited. Specialists have proven that this drug is effective against many bacteria that cause this disease.
In addition to the fact that the agent has bactericidal properties, it also noticeably reduces the ability of microorganisms to adhere to the walls of the bladder.
Treatment of acute cystitis should begin immediately. This is necessary in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.
As for the exacerbation of chronic cystitis, the antibiotic should be taken on the first day. The solution is used once at the dose indicated above.
There are many reviews of such drugs as "Monural." Most patients leave only positive comments about him, although occasionally negative responses can be found.
So, according to reviews, the positive sideThis drug is its high efficiency - the result is observed after a single dose of the solution. However, it almost never causes any side effects.
Many patients call the process of treatment with this remedy convenient, and its cost is quite acceptable.

Negative reviews indicate thatThis medicine is ineffective. But at the same time, patients do not say under what indications and when Monural was taken, whether the dosage was observed, the doctor prescribed it, or the patient self-medicated.