/ Newcastle virus in humans. Is it dangerous?

Newcastle virus in humans. Is it dangerous?

The Newcastle virus causes highly contagiousa virus disease that occurs in birds (turkeys, pigeons, pheasants, chickens). The causative agent affects the central and peripheral nervous system, lungs and intestines. The mortality rate among sick birds is extremely high. The virus was first discovered on the island of Java in 1926. It took him 44 years to spread all over the place. What is this disease? How does it affect birds? How does the Newcastle virus appear in humans? Answers to all these questions and not only you will find out below.

We study the disease from the inside

Newcastle virus in humans
The main causative agent is Avian paramyxovirus,preserved in bird corpses up to 5 months. Kill it can not only disinfectants (20 to 30 minutes), but also simple sunlight (maximum 10 minutes). A virus is isolated with feces, pulmonary mucus and when exhaled by birds. The bird is contagious about two weeks after the epidemic begins. The virus of Newcastle in humans is spread as a result of getting a pathogenic bacterium into the body. Usually she "travels" with:

  • feed;
  • shoe service staff;
  • uninsulated poultry products;
  • wild birds, flies, dogs and rats.

The vaccine from Newcastle develops strong immunity to birds in the pathogen 6-8 days after immunization. He does not have medicinal properties.


newcastle virus
Recognize the disease can even a person who has never encountered birds. There are four forms of the disease, but they all have similar symptoms:

  • paralysis of wings and legs;
  • apathy of the bird to the outside world;
  • green feces with an admixture of blood and mucus;
  • respiratory disorders (cough, shortness of breath and sneezing).

The virus of Newcastle in humans manifests itself in the form of influenza and conjunctivitis with a slight inflammation of the lymph nodes. Usually, the ailment is accompanied by a fever.

How can I pick up the Newcastle virus?

In humans, it causes very unpleasant symptoms,similar to those that occur with colds. You can get infected if you do not systematically observe hygiene or inhale the contaminated air. To "pick up" the disease, it is enough to touch the eyes with dirty hands. If a person's immunity is weakened, then it is better to be hospitalized in a medical institution, since the virus can easily give complications.


newcastle vaccine

Symptomatic treatment is indicated. Namely, if the disease manifested itself in the form of conjunctivitis, the patient is shown a visit to the ophthalmologist. He will conduct an inspection and appoint the necessary funds. If symptoms of a cold appear, then antipyretic and antiviral medicines are prescribed. Small children should be hospitalized, since the virus can lead to severe brain damage. Usually they are observed by doctors during the week.

Protection and prevention

Despite the fact that the Newcastle virus is not so dangerousfor a person, preventive measures do not interfere. After visiting the house, you should always wash your face and hands well, and also treat the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose with special antiviral drugs. If you know that the bird is sick, then it is best to exclude any contact with it. In such cases, the veterinarian should be called in to assess her condition. Be healthy!

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