/ / Leptospirosis in humans: symptoms and treatment

Leptospirosis in humans: symptoms and treatment

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic pathology that occurs with fever, as well as hemorrhagic syndrome, liver and kidney damage, and the nervous system.

Causes and conditions of the onset of the disease

Leptospirosis in humans symptoms
The disease is caused by leptospira. These are spiral microorganisms that do not form spores or capsules and are inactive. They belong to the tissue parasites and are capable of damaging nerve fibers, muscles and blood, as well as the liver and kidneys. In addition, they contain endotoxin, which includes lipids, polysaccharides and polypeptides. These compounds exhibit pyrogenic and necrotic properties. When there is leptospirosis in humans, the symptoms of this disease are determined precisely by these features.

analysis on human leptospirosis
Source of infection - animals (rodents, dogs,amphibians and birds). A person becomes infected by contact with water, which is infected with leptospira. In addition, there may be a contact or food route of transmission of the disease. A sick person for others is not dangerous.

It is worth noting that the susceptibility to leptospirosis is quite high. The disease in most cases is registered among men. After the transferred leptospirosis, a stable immunity is formed.

Leptospirosis in humans: symptoms

The initial period of the disease lasts up to seven days. The beginning is acute. There is hyperthermia up to 40 ° C, chills, headaches, as well as nausea and palpitations. In severe course, subfebrile condition is characteristic. When leptospirosis occurs, in people, the symptoms include severe pain in the muscles. Necrosis of muscle fibers leads to damage to the kidneys, which worsens the prognosis of the disease.

At the initial stages, leptospirosis is detectedflushing of face and eyes, typical signs of intoxication. In the future, symptoms of kidney, liver, and heart, lungs develop. Attention is paid to jaundice and hemorrhagic syndrome, which is manifested by hemoptysis, macrogematuria, hemorrhage to various organs or a specific rash.

Leptospirosis treatment of humans [1]
When people diagnose leptospirosis,symptoms persist for 4-6 weeks. After this, there is a prolonged asthenovegetative syndrome and marked weakness. In 20-60% of cases, a relapse of leptospirosis is possible, which results in damage to the organs of vision and the nervous system.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the initial stages, a neutrophilicleukocytosis, aneosinophilia, lymphopenia and an increase in ESR. In severe forms, the level of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes and platelets decreases. In the urine appear uniform elements, which is observed in almost all patients. Diagnostic value has a large level of CK in the serum, indicating muscle damage.

What will help a specific test for leptospirosis? In a person who suffers from this pathology, a pronounced reaction of microagglutination with live Leptospira cultures is revealed. It should be noted that a negative reaction does not always exclude this disease, since in severe cases, antibodies are formed in small titers.

When diagnosed with leptospirosis, treatmenta person infected with leptospirae, necessarily includes taking antibiotics. The most effective are penicillins. If an allergy occurs to this group of drugs, tetracyclines are prescribed. In therapy, also use donor immunoglobulin, vitamins. If liver failure is used drugs "Lasix" or "Mannitol". If necessary, hemodialysis is performed.

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