/ / Hands are shaking: we search for the reason and solve it

Hands are shaking: we search for the reason and we solve it

Hand tremors are a common phenomenon in humans. Unfortunately, quite often one can observe how people's hands tremble during a conversation or even in a calm state. If your hands are shaking, you need to find out the causes of this phenomenon, because it speaks of pathology in the body.

The first common cause: nerves

Most often the answer to the question - why are they shakinghands, will be associated with disorders of the nervous system. Everyone knows that diseases of nerves cause many diseases. Most often, neurologic disorders are accompanied by common symptoms: increased sweating, facial tics, personality changes and, of course, arm tremors.

Hands shaking with nerves, if you are emotionallyexcited, unduly worried or trying to concentrate. Such a tremor can not be controlled until the nervous system works. Accordingly, to remove the tremor of the hands, you need to consult a specialist or try to drink soothing teas.

The second reason: hormones

If you shake hands day and night, thenthe cause can be in hormonal disorders. If the tremor of the hands does not depend on your emotional and physical state, then it is possible that the cause is a thyroid disease. An endocrinologist can help to solve the problem, but if the diagnosis is confirmed, then you should not expect an early recovery: the adjustment of the hormonal system is a very time-consuming process, requiring, in the first place, time. Most often shake hands with thyrotoxicosis, this is the very first symptom of the disease. It disappears with properly prescribed treatment with drugs that block the excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. No sedatives will help if your hands are shaking because of hormonal imbalance, because the cause lies in a completely different plane.

Quite often endocrine or hormonaldisturbances are caused by a constant nervous tension, and only in this case it is possible to talk about getting rid of tremors with the help of antidepressants or sedatives, if tremor has a hormonal imbalance.

The third reason: the consequence of physical activity

If you have been practicing hard, or have beenhard work, demanding strength, then trembling of hands is a natural sign of fatigue. All that is required, if you are shaking hands with prolonged muscle tension - relax. The organism itself will be restored with the help of a full sleep and relaxation of the muscles. If the problem persists the next day after exercise, then there is no need to panic, because the recovery time of the body is individual, and depends, in part, on how long the arms were tense.

Fourth reason: exhaustion of the body

The reason that the hands are shaking, maybephysical exhaustion of the body, provoking general weakness. If you have been dieting for a long time and lost weight, it can trigger a hand tremor that can be removed with additional rest time. Consuming a small amount of calories and, together with this, natural waste of them creates a stressful situation for the body, and its response can be hand trembling.

The fifth reason: low blood pressure

Under reduced pressure, there is a generalweakness, dizziness, and a fainting or fainting condition. Naturally, these symptoms are accompanied by trembling of the hands due to reduced tone and partial disorientation in space. Tremor disappears when the pressure normalizes and the body regains its abilities.

In this article, we examined the main violations inthe body, because of which the hands are shaking. With prolonged tremor, you should consult a specialist whose profile corresponds to the area of ​​the disease that caused the trembling of the hands in your opinion.

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