/ / Rubella in adults

Rubella in adults

Perhaps everyone is well aware of the symptomsrubella, which most often get sick as a child. If we talk about this disease in adults, then its manifestations are almost the same as in children. But the only feature is that the rubella in the child is mild, which explains its slightly expressed symptoms. The same can be said about the measles, which in adults is much more complicated than in childhood. In addition, rubella in adults can cause complications that affect the activity of the entire human body. Therefore, if a person has not already had this illness, a rubella vaccination for adults is an obligatory procedure for him.


If you notice an increase in peripherallymph nodes in the occipital region or behind the neck, this can be a manifestation of this disease. Rubella in adults manifests itself exactly at the last stage of the incubation period, after which a rash appears. But if you notice only a small rash on your body, this too can be a symptom of rubella. Such a rash disappears after a few days, while it does not flake and does not change color. During the illness, the rash appears on the first day, when in measles it can only empt after a few days.

The damage region is almost the same asin children. Namely: on the buttocks, the skin of the back, and also on the places of the flexural surfaces of the joints. But rubella in adults is characterized by a large amount of rash, when in children it can be in small amounts. To see exactly how this type of rash manifests itself and what kind it has, you can find a photo on the Internet.

Rubella in adults can also be manifested throughintoxication of the body, accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C. At the same time, malaise and weakness are observed. Such symptoms can be accompanied by headaches, as well as pain in the muscles and joints. It should be noted that the body temperature in children with rubella in most cases does not exceed 37.5 ° C and proceeds without the above-described pain sensations.

Characteristic symptoms of thisdisease in adults is enanthema mucosa in the soft palate and cheeks, inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, rhinitis), conjunctivitis of the eye. There is a change in the general blood test-an increase in the number of lymphocytes and monocytes, a decrease in the number of leukocytes, and an increase in plasma cells of up to 30%. It can be said that the symptoms of rubella in adults are much more pronounced than in children.

The question "Where do they get the rubella vaccine?"Probably worries not only children but also many adults.It is done in most cases in the forearm area.The procedure is a little unpleasant but painless.If we talk about when it is necessary to vaccinate children, it should be remembered that it is carried out twice. Namely: at the 2 nd year of life, then after 6 years.

Rubella and pregnancy

As for women planning a pregnancy,who were not vaccinated against the disease in time and did not get sick before, they are given vaccination 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy. But not in any way during the bearing of the child.

And if a pregnant woman gets sick in the firsttrimester, in this case, to avoid serious consequences is almost impossible. In this position, rubella in adults can lead to miscarriage or severe developmental fetal malformations. Therefore, vaccination against this disease helps to prevent such consequences and to avoid serious complications in adulthood.

It is important to know that women who have already sufferedrubella, have a strong immunity against this disease. But pregnant women, who did not get sick before conception of the child, should carefully avoid contact with patients with rubella.

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