/ / Posttraumatic arthrosis: what to do and how to cure sick joints

Post-traumatic arthrosis: what to do and how to cure sick joints

Nature is designed so that everyoneneeds constant movement. Everything depends on this: our state of health, our mood and even our health. Movement is our life. That is why our joints need constant protection and preventive measures. The main danger for the joints is overload and injury. It is these circumstances that can provoke the development of a complex disease - arthrosis.

It's not a secret for anyone that arthrosis is differenttwo species - secondary and primary. They differ in the causes of the disease. So, for example, the provoking factors of primary arthrosis have not yet been established. Secondary (posttraumatic arthrosis) can be caused by trauma or inflammation of the joint, endocrine diseases or metabolic problems. So, let's take a closer look at the secondary (posttraumatic) arthrosis.

What causes posttraumatic arthrosis?

As we have already explained, secondary arthrosis can beis caused as an inflammatory process (influenza, respiratory diseases or tonsillitis), and acute inflammatory process of tissues, after the transferred trauma.

In fact, after the injury, a tissue break occurs. Let this gap be microscopic, but this is damage. The same happens when the ligaments are stretched. It turns out that during a trauma both nerves and blood vessels burst. Damaged nerves the brain does not perceive, and accordingly, does not control the work of muscles. This circumstance leads to the development of posttraumatic arthrosis.

It is worth noting that posttraumatic arthrosis can develop in a person, regardless of his age.

How is the disease?

Post-traumatic arthrosis can occur asis asymptomatic and can be detected accidentally during medical examination, and cause unpleasant sensations, accompanied by dull, aching pain. In some cases, this is a severe pain that anesthetics do not always cope with. Sometimes the accumulation of dead cells provokes an inflammatory process.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

First of all, after getting an injury,it is necessary to apply to a medical institution. The doctor will tell you what medications you need to take to accelerate the growth of tissue, remove inflammation and repair damaged vessels. In case of numbness of the damaged surface it is necessary to perform electromyography or ultrasound to determine the state of nerves and vessels.

Post-traumatic arthrosis: treatment and rehabilitation

As a rule, the treatment of posttraumatic arthrosis- a multifaceted and long process, allowing only to slow the progression of the disease. With a mild stage of arthrosis, specially designed medical exercises are prescribed, combined with rest and unloading of the damaged joint.

In some cases, to build up the cartilaginoustissues prescribe the introduction of chondroprotectors that promote nutrition, relieve inflammation and prompt recovery. Among the drugs used in the interior can be identified "Dona", "Artra", "Teraflex". Among injecting drugs - Aflutop, Noltreks, Sinokrom, Ostenil. Among the gels, the drug "Horse Gel" is allocated.

To date, quite popular manualtherapy. To improve nutrition, in addition to medicines prescribed physiotherapy and massage. It is believed that these procedures can cure posttraumatic arthrosis of the knee joint.

With the development of swelling, swelling, orprolonged pain, you need to turn to a rheumatologist. Otherwise, the inflammatory process can quickly destroy the cartilaginous tissue. Remember that no folk remedy can cure such a difficult disease. Address to the qualified experts and protect your health.

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