Ointment "Levomekol". What is it for?
The drug "Levomekol" is one of the best for thisthe moment of funds from various wounds, burns, suppuration, etc. It successfully replaces Vishnevsky's ointment, gentamicin and many other similar means. We'll figure out what is his advantage.
Pharmacological properties
![levomecol for what](/images/zdorove/maz-levomekol-dlya-chego-ona-prednaznachena.jpg)
![levomecol price](/images/zdorove/maz-levomekol-dlya-chego-ona-prednaznachena_2.jpg)
Structure of the preparation
Finding out what an ointment is"Levomekol", for which it is intended, we can not say about its composition. Auxiliary elements it does not contain, consists only of ingredients with a curative effect. This is a combination of chloramphenicol with methyluracil. Both components determine such a diverse range of effects of the drug. They also contribute to the fact that the "Levomekol" ointment, for whatever it is used, practically does not cause either allergic reactions in the patient or addiction from infectious pathogens.
Indications for treatment
And now more in detail, when we should resort to help means.
- Bedsores, including chronic ones, with suppurationand necrotic fragments. Apply gauze bandages, richly lubricated with ointment. If you want to keep the affected area open, just squeeze the required amount of money from the tuba onto it.
- Trophic ulcers are an overlap, similar to the one described above.
- Frictions, fraying, abscesses and boils. With such diseases, the skin is prescribed "Levomecol" ointment for children, and not only for adults.
- External hemorrhoids, including chronic, in the stages of inflammation, bloody, and purulent discharge. It should be used by all who suffer from the disease, especially in severe forms.
- The early stages of gangrene - you need to impose loose bandages.
- Furuncles in the auditory canal. For treatment, gauze is rolled into narrow strands or strips, impregnated with a drug and injected into the auricle, leaving it half-day. Then the dressing changes.
- Pustular eruptions, abscesses, inflammations, skin infections of different etiologies.
- Wounds after burns.
Auxiliary action
In addition to antiseptic, "Levomekol" ointment, pricewhich varies from 77 rubles to 103 or slightly higher depending on the region, performs both a regenerating, wound-healing effect. In addition, the ointment actively affects the increase in immunity, the body's resistance to various viral and inflammatory infections. Under the influence of methyluracil, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, and a special protein, interferon, which produces an immunostimulating action, is also being actively produced.
The ointment is available in tubes with a capacity of 40 and 100 g, the shelf life is up to three and a half years. Application - external.