/ / Hidden infections in women are the causes of serious diseases

Hidden infections in women cause serious illnesses

At present, there is a great danger not only forhuman health, but even for his life, are hidden sexually transmitted infections. In medicine, "hidden infections" means diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus and genital herpes.

From such a serious problem, unfortunately, notneither men nor women are insured. Even the presence of one or two sexual partners can not be protected from the occurrence of infections. The peculiarity of such ailments is the absence of a clearly expressed symptomatology. That's why they are called hidden, because their carrier for a long time may not even suspect about their health.

Quite often hidden infections in women wholong existed in the body and did not make itself felt, worsen during pregnancy, at a time when immunity is particularly weakened and the hormonal background changes radically. Therefore, many specialists insist that future parents undergo tests for hidden infections even before the conception of the child. After all, getting rid of them during pregnancy is much more difficult and this process can have negative consequences for the fetus.

Some hidden infections in women aregreater danger to health, others less. But still, any infectious sexual disease has a bad effect on the genitourinary system and serves as a favorable factor for the development of more serious diseases, which are sometimes difficult enough to treat.

Hidden infections in women pose a big riskfor the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, if there are sexual infections, there is a risk of pregnancy failure or fetal fading. Even with successful births, complications often occur after them. Not all sexual infections can harm the fetus. But such diseases as mycoplasma and ureoplasm lead to a pathology of intrauterine development.

A widespread phenomenon is that whenone organism becomes the carrier of several immediately infectious diseases. In this situation, there is a heavy burden on him, without the timely intervention of doctors, he will not be able to cope with them for a long time, as a result of which serious complications often arise.

As a rule, the fight against many infectionsis carried out by the introduction of antibiotics and immunostimulants into the body. It is desirable after the course of treatment to carry out a control check, confirming complete recovery. Otherwise, it is necessary to resort to other, more serious methods of treatment.

Hidden infections in women whose symptomsalmost never occur, yet you can see for a slight itch or rash on the skin in the genital area. Such unobtrusive symptoms last for several minutes, so patients notice them very rarely.

It is important to remember that hidden infections are about themselvesto know, influencing most likely not on the genitourinary system of the human body, but on the activities of absolutely other vital organs. Treatment of any of the infectious diseases should have a comprehensive and systematic approach, in which the patient is obliged to strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician, otherwise recovery will not come soon. First and foremost, a specialist prescribes antibacterial drugs and vitamins that promote the immunity of the body of a sick person.

One should never neglect suchserious diseases or engage in self-medication, which can greatly harm the health of the patient. Recovery is possible only in a specialized clinic under the supervision of experienced specialists.

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