/ / Analog "Acipole" cheap and effective

Analog "Acipole" cheap and effective

"Acipol" is one of the most common drugs,appointed to regulate digestion, eliminate the consequences of course antibiotics, as well as poisoning. This drug is a probiotic, which helps to strengthen immunity and restore intestinal microflora. Often, the drug has a higher cost than the analogue of "Acipole", cheap, but not inferior in effectiveness to this probiotic.

Analog of Acipole cheap

Funds similar in composition and action

Direct analogues have no "Acipole", since eachthe drug has its own specific composition, but the directive action in all prebiotics and probiotics is one - the normalization of the digestive tract and the restoration of a population of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Among drugs and dietary supplements similar actionmost common are the following analogues of Acipol: Enterol, Florin Fort, Bifidumbacterin, Goodluck, Acilact, Primadofilus, Acidolac, Latsium, Biosporin, Bifiform, Bifikol, Hilak Fort, Subalin Fort, Colibacterin, Narine.

Acipol price

Comparison of the cost of a medicinal product and its analogues

"Acipol", the price for which varies from 250 to350 rubles, is in the middle price category. Despite this, the drug for some segments of the population is inaccessible. The cheapest analogue of "Acipole" is "Bifidumbacterin" in the form of candles, capsules for ingestion and powder. Its cost ranges from 70 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the number of doses. But there is also a more expensive drug "Bifidumbacterin" in liquid form on hydrolyzate, the price of which is 900 rubles.

Some generics and analogs of the drug "Acipol"have a high cost, or a price equal to the cost of the drug itself. For example, "Hilak forte" costs from 200 to 1200 rubles, the price varies depending on the amount of medicine in the bottle, which puts the drug on the shelf of expensive means, while "Acipol", whose price does not exceed 400 rubles, is more affordable .

subalin forte

"Acipol": application, reviews

Probiotic is used as an additional andan individual remedy in complex therapy for poisoning, dysbacteriosis caused by both antibiotic treatment, and allergy, malnutrition. "Acipol" is used to maintain a normal amount of active beneficial bacteria in the body, promoting immunity, as well as for the prevention of digestive diseases. The drug is contraindicated in people who are highly sensitive to its components. Reception "Acipole" should be carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, soas its use is allowed to all age groups (children - from 3 months of age). "Acipolus" has no side effects, the only thing that can trigger an incorrect intake of the drug is an allergic reaction.


This drug refers to probiotics, itsthe main active ingredient is bulari saccharomyces (Saccharomyces boulardii). Used to eliminate diarrhea and normalize the microflora in the intestine. Features of use: capsules of the drug should be taken with a small amount of water, an hour before eating. It is not used to treat children under 3 years old. Not compatible with antifungal agents. The average price of Enterol is 300-400 rubles.

Acipol application reviews


Drug used for treatmentviral diseases, gastrointestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, hepatitis A and B, and also used as an immunomodulating agent. The active substance is Bacillus subtilis, live microbial cells. It is produced in the form of powder in a sachet, a dry suspension in vials and capsules. The uniqueness of the drug is that its use is possible in children from birth, it has no contraindications and side effects.

"Subalin Forte" is sold exclusively in pharmacies of Ukraine. The cost of packing means from 67.70 to 174.70 UAH.

"Primadofilus": reviews, composition

Primadofilus reviews

Biologically active additive providingpositive effect on the digestive tract. It is used as an additional treatment for dysbacteriosis, allergy and immunodeficiency in combination with other medicines. It is available in the form of capsules for adults and children over 6 years of age, as well as in the form of a powder used to treat children under 5 years old. Active substances - lactobacillus rhamnosus and acidophilus lactobacilli, bifidobacteria breve and longum.

"Primadofilus", reviews about which exclusivelypositive, practically has no contraindications. Supplements should not be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to the elements that make up its composition. The price of the additive varies from 1000 to 1600 rubles.


Probiotic - analog "Acipole", cheap andsufficiently effective. Active components of "Bifikol": live strains of bacteria and Escherichia coli. Has a pronounced antibacterial effect, is used in the treatment of diarrhea, colitis of various genesis. The cost of one package of the drug is from 70 to 330 rubles. It is produced in the form of lyophlisite, used for the preparation of a suspension.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children's age to six months, taking antibiotics.


The preparation contains a living usefulbacterial flora, refers to probiotics. It is used to eliminate the consequences of taking antibiotics: diarrhea, rash, and also as a preventive tool to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis in climate change and diet. It is available as a dry powder for the preparation of a suspension.

It is not recommended to take a joint with antibioticsmeans "Latsium", the instruction for use indicates that antibacterial drugs reduce its effectiveness, therefore, the probiotic should be taken two hours before or after their use. The average cost of "Latsiuma" in Russia is from 1000 to 1300 rubles.

Biosporin forte

"Florin Forte"

An agent that stabilizes the work of the intestine,restoring a population of beneficial bacteria. The composition of the drug includes: lacto- and bifidobacteria, depressantly acting on the pathogenic microflora; sorbent (activated carbon). The use of "Florina" has no age restrictions. It is used with caution in patients with lactase deficiency, contraindications - intolerance of the components of "Florina Forte." It is available in powder form for oral administration.

This drug is an analog of "Acipol", cheap, but not much: on average only 50-100 rubles. Its cost is 220-300 rubles.


The drug, produced by the Ukrainian pharmaceuticalcompany "Biopharma". "Biosporin Forte" is recommended by specialists as a dietary supplement to maintain the body's immune system, to treat and prevent dysbacteriosis.

It contains 2 kinds of living bacteria: (B. subtillis) and bacillus licheniformis (B. licheniformis). The application has limitations: children under 12 years. Available in the form of capsules with powder.


Means for improvement of intestinal microflorais produced as a probiotic preparation (enteric-soluble capsules) and a biologically active additive (for children - chewable tablets, drops and powder). Used in the treatment of patients older than two years. Contraindicated in persons with a history of intolerance to Bifiform components.

Cost: from 320 to 500 rubles.

Acidolac junior


"Atsidolak Junior" - immunomodulating,antidiuretic agent. Promotes rapid recovery of the intestinal mucosa after course antibiotic therapy. Produced in the form of tablets, is used in patients who have reached 3 years and older.

The drug contains 2 strains of sour-milk flora,provoking the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. The price is 811 rubles. With caution, "Acidolac Junior" is used by persons who have the following medical history: heart disease, congenital immune disorders.


The drug is an analog of "Acipole", cheap and simple inapplication, belongs to the group of probiotics, the active substance is strain M17, live bacteria of Escherichia coli. Produced in the form of lyophlisite for the preparation of a solution taken internally.

Active components of "Kolibacterin" depressactivity of harmful bacteria that provoke the development of serious intestinal diseases. Receiving the drug helps to eliminate toxins, increase the protective functions of the body, and stimulates the production of vitamins. "Colibacterin" is produced in the form of tablets and ampoules. Price: from 224 to 1206 rubles.

Lacium instruction


A dietary supplement used as a curative andpreventive means in the fight against dysbacteriosis, colitis, food allergies. It is used both separately and in complex therapy. Produced in the form of powder, tablets, capsules.

Active ingredient: live acidophilic acid bacteria. "Narine" is used to prepare the starter for further ingestion. Supplements have no contraindications, can be taken by children, since birth. Cost: from 100 to 300 rubles per packing.

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